Alone in the Universe

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Pov. Izuku

I cleaned my face from blood. I got beaten up again by Katsuki. I still fail to understand him. Why? Why he hates me so much? I can't help the fact that I'm quirkless.I just wish we could get along. Maybe it is my fault? Somehow, but maybe it is? I just need to figure out what I can chang- NO! It. is. his. fault. Not mine, not anyone's else. I give up. I. HATE. HIM.

Pov. Frisk

Chara- What are you waiting for? It's a simple choice.

Frisk- No, it's not right. There are still other people on the surface.

Chara- You just murdered the entire Underground. You know, just a reminder.

Firsk- No, I don't agree.

Chara- I see, but, who said YOU were the one in control?

---------------------------- ERASE ----------------------------

Pov. Izuku

Huh? W-where am I? Why everything is white? Is that a dream? If it is and I know this I should be able to just change whatever I want. B-but I can't. Then where am I?
2 months later
Pov. Narrator

Izuku explored the unknown white place. He walked and walked and walked for weeks on end. He noticed that part of him like hands or legs sometimes got coved by white squares that disappeared after a moment. But he noticed that the squares at first were staying on his body longer and longer. Then one day he saw first "ERROR" word appear on him. Also at one point he noticed that he didn't need to eat or sleep. He also tried to suffocate himself to finally die. Yet despite the effort he wasn't going to die anytime soon. His body changed more and more. All of the white squares changed to the "ERROR" things. His tears turned blue, and some of them wouldn't go away from his face. Sometimes he cried enough to see himself in the blue puddle. His eyes changed as well. His sclera(the white part of the eye) changed red. He tried to hurt himself in any way but every wound get covered by those white squares and got healed in seconds. He got consumed by the hatred he felt. He hated this world, he hated memories he had. By observing how his body acts he figured out that the hatred was the thing that kept him alive. More hatred he felt the faster his wounds would heal, but when felling so much of this emotion he realized something. He was going insane, he pictured how he would murder his friends, bullies, even his mom that he loved. He started to hear voices. One "day" he woke up and had memories of him using some sort of blue string. When he tried to do the same thing those string shot about of the sky and eyes and wrapped around his fingers. He was terrified. The more he slept the more memories, that he knew weren't his, would flow into his head. He remembered once how he summonsed a red pointy bone and stabbed himself in the chest and bled out. He did that as well, but he did not die, he just got covered with white squares and healed in seconds again. Then he learned to make portals, and teleport. He tried and tried again to get back to his home but he just couldn't. There were days and weeks when he would just sleep or stay in his makeshift bed. He lost track how long he was there. He was more miserable then ever. He got powers now, yet he couldn't use them to do anything he wanted to do. He learned to summon a dark skull that can shoot lasers, for some reason. Of course he tried to kill himself as well. And apart of giant pain of being burned by this laser, nothing happened, he healed just fine.
Pov. Izuku

I looked into familiar whiteness of this world. I hate it. Or love it? I don't know anymore. I sometimes find random books covered in paint, most of them are empty or filled with couple drawings. Some of them were helpful, science books mostly. But today everything changed! I found another book! It's always exiting but this one was different. On the cover was picture of half red hart and half upsidedown white hart or should I say soul probably. I learned about those from one of my "guide dreams" I saw mine, I wonder what black to red soul means. Maybe something important? Nah. The title was weird as well: "The Tale of The Multiverse". "Multiverse, this thing is real or is it just my imagination?" I started to read about giant amount of universes. All of them were branches from original universe called "Undertale" I figured that my portals can open to places I saw before. It was a little tricky since this world is only white but with my bed being in one place I know I can do that. So I grabbed my hoodie, the book and opened a portal to place called "Underswap". I walked through the portal and my eyes widened. "Is that? Snow?"
855 words. I hoped you enjoyed first chapter of my story and that you will enjoy rest of it as well. But for now,  Bye.

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