Resting Before The New

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Pov. Narr💜

Izuku, X and Inko teleported to Midoryia household. Izuku's mom was worried sick and rightfully so. He repeated again and again that he's fine but she made him lay in bed for the rest of the day. At first he was not exactly happy but X made sure to cheer him up by laying with him. They cuddled for the whole evening.

X woke up first, noticing his boyfriend peacefully sleeping made his day. When he tried to stand up from bed he, accidentally, woke Izuku up. He started to apologize but was stopped by Error when he pulled him into a kiss. X didn't protest and enjoyed it. When they stopped X headed to the bathroom to do his usual morning stuff and Izuku teleported downstairs.

When Inko noticed her son standing in the kitchen she was little angry. She didn't say anything tho, and just wished him a good day and went out to work. Error made breakfast for both him and his boyfriend. He put sandwiches on two separate plates and placed them at the table. When he heard that X was done he got to bathroom himself.

When he was done he joined X at eating. They sat there for a while thinking about what to do today. They agreed at exploring the multiverse a little. Their plans were shattered by a letter they received. Or to be exact Izuku received. It was from UA. It was unusual he thought, the exams were yesterday, he didn't expect results so fast. But what was in it's contents was far more interesting for him.

Apparently he scored so high that he have 2 place. It the fact that he's second that was weird, he thought it would be easy to get the first place. Sadly he didn't receive information about who's first. It wasn't Katsuki. He made sure to always when he got a point, he will get 2. So it was a mystery for now. He was happy nevertheless.

X smiled seeing his love being so excited. He teleported closer and hugged him. He didn't take into account that his boyfriend will almost suffocate him while hugging. When he called for some oxygen Izuku violently got away. He apologized a lot but was silenced by another hug. Now he have two months of summer break(still based on Poland's education system).

They started to plan their summer. So, I don't have energy to describe everything that they did so I'll just briefly explain. Here we go: first 2 weeks they spent by just hanging out in the city. Movies at cinema, restaurants etc. You get the point. For another 2 weeks they spent with Inko and traveling around the multiverse with her(I will write about that sometime). She started to understand it after some time. It sure took some time but the boys were proud of her. Last week's of the summer break were boring, with one exception.

Izuku was training his teleportation when Inko entered the room and frightened him. Automatically summoning a blaster then millisecond later regretting it he made the laser itself teleported as well. Apparently he was able to combine his powers. When X heard that he was intrigued.

They trained a lot after that. Playing with his powers he found out one very interesting thing. He can, using his strings, reset certain parts of the universe, not the whole thing. It does make him unusually tired tho, so he avoids it. Teleportation was another thing he trained. With X's help he was able to get so good at it that he could teleport multiple people so many times that when once they tried, they have up at counting after 542, he wasn't even tried, plus it was a group of 12 people.

From relationships stand point couple thing happens as well. Science!Izumi and Science!Izuku are together now. X and Izuku had become really close. At Izuku's birthday X tried to initiate something ehh... spicy, but Izuku was too afraid, he was too new to all if this. Thank Ink I don't have to describe it. On the other hand they stopped hiding from Inko that they sleep in one bed. I don't think I missed anything...

That means that I can say: that's it. So... We can go back to the show-

💚- I don't think it's nice of you to not tell them about me.

💜- Oh! Right! I knew I forgot about something! Listen Kate, I'm so sorry that-

💚- No, it fine Narr. Anyway, it's nice to meet you all!

💜- Right, right, right. So, readers, this is Kate, kindness soul.

💚- Hi!- Wait... Did you made a proper introduction?

💜- Oh, no actually. So, while we're at it, I'm Narr, perseverance soul. I've been your narrator this whole time. Kate right here is actually responsible what I'm narrating, a.k.a. what I can see and describe it to you. You saw my name only for couple chapters since I've fully manifested here only some time ago. At first I knew that I'm just a narrator, not an actual being.

💚- He manifest faster since his job is shown directly. Mine isn't showed to you, but to him.

💜- Yeah, but remember Kate, your's is just as important as mine. From technical standpoint, you're the one that places all the images in the chapter.

💚- I mean, at the end of the day were just part of the author's soul. While at it, have you ever seen it?

💜- Yeah, once, it's... Weird. It dosen't have a color, it's white. But not like white as a sheet of paper, like infinite white. We're really just a dim light next to it. It beautiful tho. I saw it once when I fully manifested.

💚- Lucky... Well, should we get back to the story?

💜- Yeah, I think so. C'mon we need to finish this chapter sooner or later.

Izuku woke up hearing the alarm clock. He already hated the day that hasn't even begin. With slight annoyance he stud up, making sure that he didn't woke X up, and went to the bathroom. When he was done with his morning routine he dressed up and got out of the bathroom. Outside his boyfriend hugged him and kissed him wishing him a good day.

Downstairs, his mom already left but she did made him breakfast. He smiled at the gesture taking the box of food she prepared. He teleported in front of the school he was about to attend to. While walking towards the enter door he noticed someone. It was the girl that he saved at the exams. When she noticed him she runned up to him.

U(Uraraka)- Hello.

I- Oh, hi. Wait, You're the girl I help during exams.

U- Yeah! I'm so grateful for that, my name is Uraraka Ochaco.

I- It's really no problem, I'm Izuku Midoryia. I mean, after all, were trying to be heros. I'm glad you're fine, I know-

B- Oi, nerd!
1175 words. Hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't uploaded for so long but may is the worst month this year. I will try to write something but I'm just too tired. So, it's entirely possible that I won't update for the rest of the month.

But the moment everything will calm down I'll get to writing. I hope that you at least have a great day/night<3

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