Big Steps

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Pov. Narr

Izuku woke up and noticed that X was still asleep. He kissed his forehead and looked at his phone. He mindlessly scrolled through social media for an hour. He took countless photos of his, ehh, partner(?). He set one as his wallpaper. At the end it took another half hour for X to wake up. When he did his face got a strong blush, but this time he didn't try to hide it. He just leaned into another, small, kiss. Izuku returned the kiss and hugged him harder.

I- Good morning.

X- Mornin'.

I- How was your sleep?

X- It was great, the best one I ever had.

I- I'm glad. By the way, you're red as tomato.

X- I don't mind, and so are you.

I- Really? Wow, I'm actually like really red. To be fair, so are you.

X- I can imagine, my face is burning. I don't mind tho, I not gonna be ashamed of it in front of my boyfr- Wait what are we?

I- Right, I forgot yesterday. Xtale!Izuku would you like to be my boyfriend?

X- Y-yes.

I- Sweet... So... What now?

X- We just... Are.

I- Oh, shit, I just realize I gonna have to tell my mom.

X laughed and kisses his boyfriend. After another 10 minutes X wanted to stand up but Error stopped him 'cuz he didn't have intentions to. It warm and cozy, so much so that Error wanted to stay there.

X- Babe, we need to actually wake up.

I- Nah, I'm good.

X- Ruru, please?

I- Fiiiinnnnneeeee. But, I require payment.

X- Witch is?

I- Hmm... A kiss will do f- Mhhm.

They continued the kiss for couple seconds. When they finished Error finally let X go. He stud up and stretched. He walked to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast. He made some toasts and putted them at two plates. He grabbed both and walked back into the living room that they've been sleeping in.

He found his boyfriend staring at the phone with visible distress. Waking twords Error he put plates at the table and looked at his boyfriend's phone. It was SMS chat that had "Mom" label on it. He immediately understood what was happening.

X- You don't have to tell her now.

I- I should, I mean it's important.

X- But you're worried about something.

I- Some time ago I visited Outermha and I met me and Outer!Katsuki. They were dating and Katsuki's mom wasn't, let's say, happy about it. I'm worried that it can happen to me as well.

X- Listen, first of all, I've meet her and I can't imagine her being a bad person. Second, even if, witch is really unlikely, you still have me, you can't get rid of me so easy. Third, it was Katsuki's mom. Have you meet him? He's an asshole! And you are the most perfect, handsome, pretty, funny, kind, smart and gosh good looking guy I know. You understand?

I- Y-yeah, thanks Xy.

X- To your service, now gimme a kiss.

They, again, kissed, but this time was different, it was long, passionate and as loving as they could pull of. This 3 minutes felt like eternity for them, as well as for me to watch, tho I'm sure they enjoyed it. Ehh, where was I? Right, right, right.

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