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Since we had returned from Greece, I had not slept properly one night. I had fallen asleep again and again for a few hours, because my body had simply given in, but I had never really slept. I had always listened with one ear to see if something was lurking and slowly but surely the lack of sleep was wearing on my nerves.

I tried not to let on so much in front of Charles and Aly, but the constant fear that someone could be lurking around every corner drove me crazy. I hardly ever left the house. I could just about stand it on the patio and in the garden, but when I could I avoided going shopping or leaving the property for other reasons.

I just didn't feel safe.

And then when Charles packed his things because he had to go to Maranello, I almost had a panic attack.

I didn't want him to leave again. What if something happened? What if someone broke in again?

But I didn't talk to him about it. I wanted him to concentrate on Formula 1. I hadn't forgotten the ambitious goal of catching up with Max, and he certainly hadn't either. Even though I could see that this night in Greece had also changed something in his view.

He was worried and I didn't want to make that worse. I wanted him to be able to put his focus on what was important. He had to get that title. Or at least make it hard for Max.

I could see how much he was burning for it.

And if I had to put up with a few sleepless nights for it, that was okay. It would surely pass again sometime. I would be fine.

Still, it was a weird feeling when he was standing in the hallway with his bag packed. The three of us had been together for some weeks now, it was just unusual to let him go again now.

"Aly, you behave yourself, okay? You listen to Evi and then I'll see you in Spa in a few days.", he kissed his daughter lovingly on the forehead before turning to me.

His hand gently stroked along my cheek "Are you sure all is well, mon cœur? Are you sure I can drive?"

"Of course.", I smiled and put my hand on his "You have to drive. You still have to catch up with Max."

"Maxie quick." said Aly, tugging on my sleeve.

Not only did the little girl have a crush on Lance, but she also had a crush on Max, who had been visiting on and off for the past few days.

"Yes Maxie is fast. But Daddy will be faster.", Charles smirked down at her and then looked back at me.

"If anything is weird, you call the security people, okay? There are always two of them here and..."

"I know Charly.", I assured. I knew they were there, but that didn't make my fear any better. It didn't make it go away.

"Okay. And if anything happens, you call me, okay? And if you can't reach me, then you call Max. He has the contact information for the security company.", we had gone over this a few times now, but I was sure he was doing this to calm his nerves.

"I will, Charly. We'll be fine. Just focus on winning, ok? Everything else will be fine. I promise.", I smiled and even managed to make it look honest.

He pulled my face to him and kissed me gently "I'll miss you two."

"We'll miss you too.", I whispered and kissed him again right away.

The fact that he would now sleep next to me again more irregularly was really something I had to get used to again. Even if I had never really slept, it had been a nice feeling that he had lain next to me.

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