The Flea and the Acrobat

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Today is the day of the funeral of Will Byers. However, for Cassie, there is a chance that he is still alive.

The sermon that the pastor is preaching is being tuned out by Cassie's intrusive thoughts. There has to be a way to get to both Will and Barb.

The funeral came to an end, and Bob and Cassie were about to leave. Bob nervously went up to Joyce.

"Excuse me, Joyce." he starts off nervously, getting her attention. "I-I don't know if you remember me, but if there's anything that you need, just know that both me and my niece are here for you." he continues to ramble nervously.

All Joyce could do is send him a small smile. "Thank you." she says, quietly.

As the two were going towards Bob's car, Cassie was about to ask him what that whole interaction between him and Joyce was about. She looks towards a way and spots Jonathan and Nancy gesturing to her to come over to them.

"I'll be back for a moment, Uncle Bob." Cassie tells her uncle as she goes over to the two.

"What's going on?" she asks them as they sit down in front of the fencing that surrounds the cemetery.

"This is where we know for sure it's been, right?" Jonathan clarifies as the three take a closer look at a map with x's around the area.

"The wooded area over at Steve's house where Barb was last seen, right?" Cassie asks. All Jonathan did was nod.

"And that's the woods where they found Will's bike, and that's my house." he continues, pointing off the different coordinates.

"It's all so close." Nancy notes. "Yeah. Exactly. I mean, it's all within a mile or something." Jonathan agrees.

"It doesn't seem to be traveling far. It looks like it's straight out of some horror movie, everything is located all around the woods." Cassie points out.

Jonathan looks like he has something on his mind, and Nancy can tell right off the bat. "You want to go out there."

"We might not find anything." Jonathan tells her. Cassie can tell that he wants to go after the creature that took his brother, but is feeling helpless.

"I found something. And if we do see it, then what?" Nancy asks the two. "We kill it." Jonathan finishes.

Cassie points to him in agreement. It's a very logical response. An idea brews in her head as she leaves towards her uncle's car.

"Where are you going?" Nancy asks her. "Just trust me. I'll meet up with you two later." Cassie responds to her.

When Bob and Cassie reach the house, Cassie wastes no time in jumping out of the car and heading towards the backyard. She collects all of the arrows that have been scattered around the grass. She heads back into the garage and places the quiver of arrows next to the bow.

She heads back inside so she can change out of her funeral clothes. Once leaving her bedroom, she accidentally runs into Bob.

"Woah, there, Speed Racer." Bob reacts and frowns when he sees the hurried state of his niece. "You okay there? You look like you're in a rush.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I'm kind of meeting up with Jonathan and Nancy. It's the whole post-funeral thing." Cassie brushes off.

"You can go, sweetie, okay?" Bob tells her. As soon as Bob turns the other way, she heads back into the garage to grab the bow and the arrows and heads back inside her car to meet up with Jonathan and Nancy.

She drives up to where Nancy and Jonathan would be at. They are practicing shooting the cans with the gun.

Cassie gets out of the car, getting her bow and arrow in the process. She loads the arrow, draws back the bow, and releases the arrow, the arrow hitting the can in the process. Nancy and Jonathan whirl around to see Cassie.

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