Chapter 2

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 Let's fast forward to the day Shaunak moves in. I had made my special lasagna with mushrooms and brought out the good old wine. I didn't dress up much because I never really liked that whole business like I could spend my time doing things that are more productive than looking pretty. So that day I was just wearing black jeans and a plain white shirt. When Shaunak walked in I was busy trying to get the lasagna out of the oven without burning myself. I am very clumsy, so being around hot things like the stove or oven makes me nervous.

Shaunak walks in and sees me struggling with the oven. My mind was so invested in figuring out how to get this lasagna out that I didn't even notice him coming in! He creeps up behind me and says," seriously Seemakshi? You can fight 5 creeps in a dark and deserted alleyway on your own but cannot remove a pizza from the oven?"

I flinched and turned around to see him grinning with his arms spread out. He was wearing formals and looked pretty exhausted. I immediately jumped and hugged him and told him how happy I was to see him. I could see that he was guilty about the situation he had put me in. I assured him that it was no problem and that he could come over anytime.

I then said, " well now could you stop gawking and help me take this dang lasagna out of the oven?"

"You forgot the keyword"

"Oh right! I forgot to punch your sorry excuse of a face before asking. Should I do it now?"

"Honestly no, because if I say yes you will actually punch me. So I am just gonna be safe and say give me the mittens so I can help you."

"That's what I thought ", I replied while handing the mittens to him.

At that moment I realised how much I missed him and how much he had impacted my life. I missed laughing at lame jokes, I missed teasing and playing around with each other, but what I missed the most was these tiny moments when we both would just forget all our worries and sorrows to have fun and live in the moment.

We laughed and talked about the good old days. Keyword

there is good* because both of us have had some seriously messed up childhood moments that neither of us deserved. I told him that he could use my bed while I slept on the couch. It honestly took 45 minutes to convince him to take the bed and that we could alternate between the couch and the bed. That guy pretends to be an angel but anyone who knows him knows his inner demon and it is quite a hilarious and mischievous one.

I convinced him to sleep while I cleaned the kitchen up and sat in my astronomy room. I loved it there because it was dark and I just got to sit on the floor and think. I had and have spent so many good and bad nights there. I have contemplated taking my life there. I have felt grateful for everyone who has helped me over there but most nights I just sit there looking outside and I say "so much you can't see in the night sky, so much chaos in the universe but you just see it. Just like me." Those are probably the truest words I have ever spoken to myself.

That night I was sitting there blank. I was so confused, yet so sure at the same time. I was confused about how I could feel happy and sad at the same time but I was sure that that particular feeling is so good! It sounds insane, but anyone who has experienced it knows what I am talking about. I got up, went to the couch, and slept, and for the first time in weeks, I didn't wake up screaming because of a nightmare. The last time I hadn't done that was because I was wasted and slept straight after chugging absolut vodka. Yeah, not a good thing for sure.

The next morning I woke up happy which was usual because morning is the most positive time of the day for me. I woke up at about 6 and watered my garden because the outdoors is almost meditative to me. Then I geared up. It was time for a workout, and boy do I love working out. It makes me feel like I am strong and empowered and that I can defeat anything that comes my way.

Today was my favourite day in my workout routine. It was leg and core day. I started to stretch and hit the treadmill for 2 kilometres as a warm-up and then began my tedious routine.

By the end of it, I was exhausted. I walked out of the gym wiping my forehead as I did so and went to the kitchen to find Shaunak sitting there in distress. I asked him what happened and I got a very stressed reply.

"My interviewer wouldn't accept my application because I'm Indian", he


"Well that's a load of bullsh- I mean poop", I replied. we like to keep my house as a swear-free zone which is a rule I have broken on numerous occasions so meh.

"What am I gonna do now I have 1 less interview and a lower chance of getting a job"

"Shaunak, don't worry. For god's sake you have an interview tomorrow, why don't you prepare for that?" I started to speak when suddenly a call from Meenakshi came. "Gimme a sec"

"Yes, Meenakshi? No, why would I not come to the office today of course I am coming. Yes, Meenakshi. I'm sure Meenakshi doesn't have time for this. I am coming. Thank you. Bye.

I didn't understand why she was so hesitant about me coming to the office. I take my company very seriously as it saved my life. It is the last thing I have left and I intend on protecting it.

I turned to Shaunak and apologised, telling him that I had to rush to the office and for him to prepare for his interview and stop worrying about today's interview.

I got in my car which was really just a black jeep. It has been my dream car ever since I was a kid and I love this car. I quickly start it up and speed my way to the office. I rushed into the building thinking that a huge problem had occurred because of which Meenakshi had told me not to come. I start to rush towards my office expecting my assistant Rosie to fill me in on whatever happened. Instead, I saw someone I never in my worst nightmare would think of seeing again.

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