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   I WAVE Jen goodbye as I shut the door rushing to my coach crashing onto it. I look around for any signs of my mom or Peter.

   I grab my phone looking at his number. Would it be too casual to send him hey with two y's.. or would it be to much.

   Fuck it what's the worst that can happen. I stare at my keyboard before typing the words heyy. I press send and instantly close my phone throwing it to the side.

    I get up, I need to distract myself. I make my way to Peters room when I hear the doorbell ring. I make a quick u-turn almost falling.

     I unlock the door seeing my uncle standing still with a handbag. "Surprise!" he shouts pulling me into a tight hug.

    "Hey Uncle J.. where's aunt Rauf?" I say looking behind him before shutting the door. "Ah me and her got into a fight and we'll she kicked me out for a bit" he said showing me his suitcase.

    "Don't worry she'll cool off and i'll be out of your hair in no time" he says as he takes off his shoes.

   "I'm going to go get my mom make yourself at home" I rush to my moms office opening the door. "Mom! Why didn't you tell me Uncle J was coming over!".

    "Tiana i'm on the phone" she says covering the phone. "Yuh that's great I can get you booked for that". I shut the door rolling my eyes.

    "Peter! Uncle J is here come down!" I yell from the stairs as I make my way towards the living room seeing Uncle J sitting on the coach.

    I sit down beside him. "What did you and aunt Rauf fight about?" I ask titling my head. "Nothing a kid your age should know".

    "Enough about her tell me about you.. you get any calls about your dad?" he asked. "Non so far but we do get post-cards! he even sent me a bunch of flowers for my birthday" I say smiling.

    "Uncle J!" Peter shouts as him and his friend come walking into the living room. Peter hugs uncle J as he does back. "Who's your friend here"

    "This is my best friend Louise! you've met him on my birthday before." He states as Louise steps forward.

     I hear my phone ding and grab it in hopes of Jack texting back but instantly frown when I see it isn't him. I let out a sigh and put my phone into my pocket.

    "Who wants a movie night!" Uncle J yells as Peter and Louise jump up and down shouting "me!". "I'll go make the popcorn while you guys choose a movie" I say.

    I walk over towards the kitchen grabbing a packet of popcorn putting it into the microwave. I grab a hair tie from my wrist tying up my hair.

   I look outside seeing the sky become cloudy and grey. I tilt my head, I hope it rains until monday and maybe school will close down.

   I space out for a bit not hearing the popcorn done cooking. "T! where's that popcorn at?" Uncle J yells as I come to reality.

   "Coming!" I open the microwave grabbing the bag putting it into two separate bowls. I make my way towards the living room handing the bowls.

  "Be careful it's hot" Peter grabs a handful shoving it into his mouth. I sit beside Louise, "What movie have we decided on?"
   "The Conjuring" Louise says. "Oh my god they are kids put something PG on" my mom says appearing from the corner.

   "Didn't think you would be joining us Taylor". My mom rolls her eyes. "Another fight seriously Joseph? how many times do you have to fight with her!".

   I look between mom and uncle J noticing the heat and unsure of what to do. "Your seriously worried about me?" she spat at him.

   "Yeah I am! when was the last time you exactly saw your husband face to face?" my eyes widen. "kids go to your rooms".

   Things about to get heated. I get up making sure to grab the popcorn bowels can't let them go to waste. I watch as mom and uncle J get up walking into the kitchen.

   I sit by the stairs listening in on the conversation. "T are we gonna watch a movie?" Peter asked from behind. "Maybe later" I reply crossing my arms.

  "Do you even know if your husband is alive!" he yelled from the kitchen. "Keep your voice down I can't let the kids hear you talking about their father like this!"

   "How about you stop sleeping with other women for a change maybe than your wife will have some fucking common sense to leave you" Mom mumbled.

   "What did you say to me?" he yelled. The next thing I hear is a big slap. I quickly get up running to my room.

    Peter and Louise look up at me in confusion. "Are we watching a movie?" he asked. "Yeah sure" I say clearing my voice.

   I sit on the floor beside them pulling my laptop from underneath my bed. "Whatever movie you want as long as it's PG".

   Halfway through the movie I head a vibrating sound. I pick up my phone looking at the notification. "Hey is this Tiana?" is what the text read out.

     Oh my god. I quickly type back "Yeah it is this is Jack right?". I click send staring at the 3 grey dots that are floating.

    "Yep, sorry for the late reply I was shooting a movie" I forgot he's an actor. "It's fine so what are you doing?".

   Is this awkward for him, it's awkward for me. There's nothing to talk about or say what if he gets mad i'm to dry and stops talking to me.

   "Nothing just chilling in bed what about you?" he asked. "Watching a movie with my brother and his friend".

    "Oh cool I didn't know you had a brother". I forgot I didn't mention I had a brother to him. "Yeah he's 7 years younger".

   "Nice. Do you wanna watch a movie sometime?". Does he mean with him or with other people. I stare at the text for a bit before I hear footsteps.

   I hide my phone putting it under my bed. The door comes flying open. "Lights out everyone's going to sleep" mom says with anger in her eyes.

   I could tell she was beat. I've never fully understood why Uncle Joseph did these kind of things but he did.

   Sometimes when a person gets to angry all they think about is going to violence. I nod giving my mom a reassuring smile.

   She slams the door and I hear the footsteps fade. I look at Peter and Louise. "You heard her" I say grabbing my laptop.

   Louise gives Peter a look. "What?" I ask raising a brow. "Is it alright if we sleep here for the night". My mouth widens I forgot about the fight with uncle J and mom.

   "Of course, you guys sleep on the bed i'll grab pillow and blankets for myself". "Thanks T!" Peter says as Louise and him hop onto my bed settling in.

  I grab myself pillows and blankets from my closet placing it on the floor. I grab my phone before laying down. I open my chats with Jack.

    "Sure" I type out sending it. Tomorrow is going to be a big day. 


Obsessed ✔️ Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now