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THE TWO FOGHT while his ex cleaned up the mess she had made throwing away the vegetables.

I stood there my hands behind my back."I broke up with her for a reason mom!" he yells as I hear the front door open. "No offence Mad" he tells the girl.

"Non taken" she spits back as she eyes me up and down with a smudge look. She takes a grape eating it as she watches the fight.

"I try doing something nice for you and you pull this act for crisis sake Jack do you even know this girl" she asked as she pointed towards me.

Jack threw his hands out in defeat scoffing as he puts his hands on his waist. "I do know this girl a lot more than you think! she's better than Madeline that's for sure"

A tall man walks in who I assume is Jacks dad. Jack walks out the room when he turns around to notice his dad.

I stand there awkwardly. I wish the world would crack up and suck me in. "What? why is everyone giving me a weird look" he asked as looked at the three girls.

I licked my lips facing him. "Hello my name is —" I cut myself off. What name did Jack give me. I stand there frozen. As the man raises his brow.

"I'm Jacks girlfriend i'm sure you've heard of me" I say putting my hand out as he shakes it smiling at me dropping the look he had on.

"I'm Jacks father" he tells me and I smile letting go of his hand. "I'm gonna go check up on him make sure he's alright".

Jacks dad gives me a quick nod as I walk away rushing up the stairs. I hope Jack isn't to upset or mad. I hate when he gets that way.

I looked at the different doors confused in which one he would be in. I see a door that's halfway open and go to it knocking lightly on the door.

I see Jack pop his head back and I walk in shutting the door. Jack was sitting on his bed so, I walk up to him sitting beside him.

"I'm sorry about the fight you had with your mom" I tell him as he lets out a sigh. He doesn't say much but a few yeahs and its alright.

     I look around the room taking in the different colours. It looked very different from his room from back home. This one looked like a little boys room besides the few fix's up.

      The large dresser, big bed, and I guess you could say the walls. They were much bright his other room had grey walls if I recall.

      While I was looking around Jack placed his head onto my lap making me straighten my back. I look down at him as he turns his head looking away from me.

       I grab a little bit of his hair curling it with my finger as he lays there."I don't want you too but in T my family is fucked up they want me to marry Madeline".

      I listen to his every word still curling his hair with my finger. His hair was soft and curly. "I'm sorry there doing this to you Jack" I tell him as he sits up.

      I move my hand away and he stares at me with a weird look. "What?" I ask him as he continues to stare at me.

      He shakes his head. "Nothing I just didn't expect you to be so —" he stops and we both turn around to the door that was opening.

     Madeline appears with a smirk on her face leaning on the door frame. She was gorgeous if i'm being honest. She had the type of body anyone could dream of.

     She parts her lips as she speaks. "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything" she says sarcastically as she rolls her eyes at me. She puts her hand on her hip as she keeps leaning on the doorframe.

      "We're heading down to the beach right now" She tells us eyeing mostly Jack. I look at Jack for a spilt second before giving my attention back to Madeline.

      I didn't bring a bathing suit. Let alone did I bring any clothes. I gulp before I try speaking. "I didn't bring my bathing-".

       I get cut off by Madeline as she starts yawning incredibly loud. "I hope you've been working out Jack because I certainly want to see your abs" she jokes.

      Jack gives her a light chuckle which I flash a eye to Jack. He stops as he gets up. "What we're you saying babe?" he asked me.

      I get taken back from the name and try to hide my pink cheeks and my smile by biting the inside of my cheek.

     "I didn't bring my bathing suit" I tell him shyly. He looks up at Madeline and she lets out a 'ugh' noise which makes my mood go down immediately.

     "Fine she can borrow one of mine but if it's even ripped or anything I want to be paid back" She says winking at Jack.

     I throw a disgusted look as I get up following Madeline out the room. I walk into a room that is well furnished. God these people were rich.

As I look around I bump into her desk and quickly hold onto the desk hoping it doesn't fall. I see a picture on the desk and I squint my eyes looking at it.

It seemed like a picture of Madeline, Jack, and someone I didn't recognize. As I tried moving closer to the frame Madeline came and slammed the frame down to the desk.

I look up my eyes meeting hers. She stares at me as her hands turn into a fist. She shoves the bathing suit into my chest. "If I see you even ripping my bathing suit you don't want to know what will happen".

I give her a reassuring nod and pass her a smile. She rolls her eyes walking away slamming the door shut. I look at the bathing suit.

It was pink and had sunflowers all over it. It was quite cute in my opinion. I locked the door changing into the bathing suit. I check myself in the mirror as I make my way to the beach.


Thank you all for reading my story ❤️❤️ this means sm i didn't expect this to blowup at all lmk if u guys like it so far !!

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