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THE MOVIE WAS, amazing I've never seen anything more terrifying than this movie. "Jack how come i've never heard about this movie before?".

    "It's a new movie i'm friends with the director.. and we'll let's say they owed me one" he said smiling my way.

      I've never felt more butterflies than now. I smile at him back as he holds onto my hand giving it a tight squeeze.

    I lean my head onto his shoulder making myself comfortable. After the movie was over we get up leaving the place.

   We get into the car and I buckle my seatbelt. "Did you like the movie?".

    "It was so good! everyone's going to love it I can't wait until it officially releases" I state as I look at him. He nods listening to me babble on and on about the movie.

    "The date isn't over quite yet" he tells me which makes me sparks up. "Really what else do you have planned?" I asked.

     "Dinner" he said smiling. Thank god we were going to eat real food that popcorn and candy didn't quite fill me up especially since Peter ate all my pancakes.

Jack and I walk into the restaurant and I quickly feel out of place. I held onto Jacks arm hoping he wouldn't feel uncomfortable as well.

"Table for 2" he says looking at the server. He glances over at me titling his head. "Are you okay?" he asked rubbing my hand with his thumb.

I give him a quick nod and a nervous smile as we get seated to our table. Jack sits down as I sit across from him.

The waiter hands us the menu letting us know to take our time and they will give us water shortly.

I stare at the menu as the words seem like there ready to jump at me and attack. I squint my eyes even harder trying to concentrate.

Jack looks up staring at me. "Are you your fine? we can leave right now if you want too" I shake my head. "No, I'm alright".

Hey god it's me again please stop trying to fuck up my date and maybe let me not have a hard time for once.

On a serious note i'm not sure what was happening and before I knew it the waiter had came back ready to take our order.

"I'll have the-..." I cut Jack out for a moment trying to look at the menu any name that may stick out to me that I have actually heard of.

I heard Jack cough and I look up putting the menu down closing it. "Oh sorry i'll have Chicken Soup" I say smiling as my eyebrows knit together.

"Great choice and drinks?" he asked pointing his pen at us. I look at Jack as he speaks up "Two Cokes will be fine". The waiter nods as he scribbles it down.

I look around at the many different people sitting with there fancy dresses and shiny makeup with there glowy bags.

I don't belong here. I shouldn't be sitting here with Jack he's such a great guy and he's wasting his time on me when there's better woman out there.

"So Tiana are you acting or modeling? Jenna brought it up" he said sitting up straight. "Yeah I act a bit and model on the side what about you?".

"I do a bit of both" I nod at what he has to say licking my lips and sighing. "How did you and Jenna meet" he questioned.

"We've been friends since we were little, childhood friends.. we met because of our dad's" Jack smiles. "Oh really that's nice". The conversation gets awkward no matter how many times he try's sparking a light into it.

I reach out to hold his hand as I speak. "Jack are you- are you sure you want to be seen with me?" I ask scooting closer whispering.

"Seen with you? what are you talking about?" he said throwing in a fake giggle. I roll my eyes "You know it's just your Jack Champion! and i'm just Tiana Grewal".

"Are you comparing our social status right now?" My eyes widen. "No! that's not what i'm doing i'm just asking if you still wanna be seen with me because there's so many other girls that could treat you so much better." I trail off letting go of his hands.

I shake my head in confusion, I wonder what was going through his head. "Of course I wanna be seen with you". He reaches for my hand and squeezes it.

I sigh smiling as the food arrives perfect timing. I dig into our food as the rest of the dinner is left awkward.


     I look out the window on our drive home as the radio is up and Taylor Swift plays in the background.

    The rain splashed onto the window strong enough it seemed like it would break it. The trees looked like a wreck and the wind was so strong it could pull me the second I stepped out.

   We pull into my driveway as I get ready to get out. "I really enjoyed today" I say looking at Jack as we make eye contact something I wished we would've did a lot on our date.

   "I did too hopefully we can do it again sometime?" he asked holding my hand. I feel warmth rise from my feet to my cheek.

    "Sure" I say smiling as I step close to him. He steps closer himself kissing me. It was nice gentle kiss his lips were so soft.

    He pulls back and smiles. I open the door of the car running to my porch to wave him goodbye.

    If I could go back to this night I most definitely would.


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