Sal x reader: Forever And Always

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You've got a visitor

!Spoilers! Angst!

Story Key: you visit Sal after the incident in Addison Apartment

"Inmate 081486 state your name"

the guard's rough tone echoed through the blue haired man's head, almost as if it was his own voice.

"Sal Fisher...Sir" Sal responds, his voice now much deeper then it was in his teen years but now it sounded like all emotion from his voice was ripped away. not only his voice was emotionless but so was his face, his mask was faded and worn down and it some spots you could still see some old blood from that night back at the apartment.

"You have a visitor and they're waiting to see you. now before I take you in, you'll be accompanied by multiple guards which means if you try to attempt to do anything that could put you or visitor in danger we will apprehend you. Understand Mr. Fisher?" a scowl was visibly placed on this guard's face like he wanting Sal to mess up.

"do you think i would seriously-" Sal bit his tongue knowing damn well if he continued with his sentence he'd be thrown back into his cell for disrespecting authority. a soft sigh replaced his words before he held his hands in front of the guard waiting for the cold handcuffs to embrace his wrists.

"I understand, I want to get this over and done with" the guard nodded his head a grunt following after as he pulled out the oh so familiar handcuffs from off of his belt,

"alright Inmate let make your visitor wait any longer, shall we?"

your foot tapped rhythmically on the floor as you awaited the arrival of your friend? old lover? to be honest you didn't really know what to call him anymore since he went from being the closest person to you... to the man who hurt  you the most,

the multiple guards brought a unsettling tension in the room making you more nervouse by the second.

On that night of the mass murder of Addison Apartment when Sal went through the building killing everyone... well almost everyone  you and Todd were the only ones who survived but to be honest that night you didn't survive and neither did Todd the both of you were just shells of what you used to be.

You were luckily to get out with only a couple of stab wounds and a large cut on your face, for a while you felt like Sal didn't want you die... maybe that's why you survived, Todd on the other hand he was gone, sure he was alive but he wasn't Todd anymore he was only a shell he was barely human anymore.

your thoughts kept you distracted until you heard the doors open to the visiting room and there he was... Sally Face... his blue messy hair framed his mask now and it was much longer than the last time you saw it, you stared at him with a blank face trying to fight the urge to of running up to him and hugging him but you couldn't. 

Sal's eyes lightened up for the first time in a while a wave of happiness rushed over him a feeling he thought he had forgotten but it was quickly replaced by genuine sorrow, his former lover and friend sat so broken not even a smile on the face he once knew so well but he knew he had hurt you it was obvious he had tried to kill you, even though he really didn't want any of this to happen.

the blue haired ma sat down across from you his gaze focused on you and on you only, he brought his hands up to rest on the table which made you shift back which he immediately took his hands back, the both of you knew you didn't have long but yet the both of didn't say a word until Sal anxiously broke the silence.

"(Y/n)... its nice to see you again" you just sent him a slight nod still not wanting to talking.

" you look great...I like the new style  you've got it suits you well (Y/n)" Sal chuckled slightly  hoping that it would maybe get you to talk granted it did but the words you said really broke his heart,

"you know, maybe it would've been better we had never met" you notice Sal visibly slump forward in defeat his blue hair shifted forward too but he knew you were right, all he ever wanted to do was protect you but yet he was the one who ended hurting you the most.

you shifted in your seat an uncomfortable silence lingered over the both of you but it was quickly cut short when Sal spoke up again.

"for one last time... lets talk how we used to, if that's okay" Sal spoke with a soft tone just like he use to as a teen and it was slightly comforting but it didn't change the situation, Sal awaited your response he looked at you with such desperation but he quickly looked away,

"maybe this will help?" you watched as the blue haired man take off his prosthetic the guard watching his every move like a hawk, Sal placed the mask in front of you and with in the mask you noticed the words you wrote back when you guys had prom, you smiled ever so slightly reading it.

"I love you, Sally Face"

"sure lets have one last old times" the thought of this being the last time Sal would ever  be able to talk to you pained him it really did but he made sure to put on a brave face and the smile you remember.

the both of you talked for a while... even past the time Sal was allowed to talk but for some reason the stoic guard didn't day anything he allowed the both of you to talk one last time, you guys talked about high school, the moments you had together, how amazing friends we both had, the little things that made the both of smile for the first time in a very long time.

"Sal Fisher its time to go back your Trial is tomorrow, and you need to rest for it" the guard spoke in his harsh tone once more and Sal's face fell, he looked at you knowing this was his final goodbye, as he stood up he shot a glance at the guard to which the guard replied with a small nod.

Sal stood tall in front of you his smile returning to his face, he held his arms out to which you complied... you embraced Sal tightly never wanting to let him go just as you held him tightly he clutched onto your body even tighter. the both of you grew silent but Sal noticed the soft sniffles coming from you which made him tear up, he rested his head on top of yours kissing it a couple times hopefully making you feel better, you look longingly towards him your eyes meeting,

"(Y/n) go live the rest of your life, go do the things you want to just please..." Sal paused briefly a tear rolling down his face,

"please never return to Nockfell... and pleases don't come to the trial tomorrow, I know after this there will be nothing but a void and I wish I could meet you up there but you know I've made too many mistakes to be granted rest in the sky but please live on and be happy...and you'll have Gizmo to look after I'm sure he'll keep you company" Sal lets out a broken chuckle before a frown made its place on his lips,

"ill protect you even if I'm not there... (Y/n) ill forever love you" and that was last thing he ever said... Sal kissed you deeply before being pulled away and led out,

"Sal your mask!" you shout but he just smiles and mouths the words...

"Keep it..."

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