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I woke up early the next day for my first training. I put on my outfit, and damn i looked good.

The first thing was introduction, and i was right, they were sexist.
-Bro a woman, we will probably die
-Do you work in the kitchen? I would like a sandwich please.
But König and Ghost didn't say anything.

Next was wrestling. It started off easy with Soap. But then the big guy came. But he was actually the nicest of them all. Same thing here, he got down on the ground in no time.
Last was the biggest guy, and let me tell you, this was hard. But eventually i got him down.

The rest stared in shock
-What are you looking at? I said
-Bro you just wrestled down the strongest one in the team.

So i was something after all.


At dinner König looked at me alot, and sometimes we even made eye contact. I hadn't even seen his face yet but i got butterflies the whole time.

After dinner I helped him wash the stuff in the sink.
-Hey uh, Y/n... T-thank you for h-helping me.
-Oh of course König, I enjoy spending time with you.
And I hugged him from the back.

Later that night when i was laying in bed i overheard the boys talking. I didn't hear everything that they said but they mentioned my name alot.

König x ynWhere stories live. Discover now