track I | begin again

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"𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐟é | 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧."

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WHEN the plane landed, Laurie was the first out of her seat. Now, she was not oblivious to the fact that both her sister and her were placed in the economy class, and would not be getting off the plane for at least a half hour, but that did not stop her excitement from taking over. After all, Laurie had been waiting what felt like a century, or in reality, the almost 15 years that she had longed to stay in Forks, the town she was torn away from at the age of two, thanks to her parents selfish quarrels, more specifically, her mother's false love for her father.

As Laurie sat back down, finally coming to the conclusion that it would be quite a while before she would make it to the front of the plane, she daydreamed of what her first days back in Forks would be like. Although she was a frequent visitor of the small Pacific Northwest town, she had not been to her father's residence since the summer, six months ago. Thinking back to the beginning of August, her last week in Forks, she remembered surfing at La Push beach with a certain tan skinned Jacob Black and his friends, Embry, and Quill, eager to catch the waves on what seemed to be the only day with a clear sky since she had arrived in June.

As she continued playing back some of her favorite memories of the small town, her sister's voice pulled her back to reality, "Well this is a change from Arizona," she grimaced, in reference to the down-pouring rain she saw as she peeked out of the small square window of the plane.

Laurie scoffed in return, "What, are you made out of sugar? A little rain isn't going to kill you Bells."

Bella, who found herself a little hurt by her sister's blunt reply, simply rolled her eyes and turned to look at the line of people exiting the plane. Noticing that it was finally dissipating, she tapped her sibling's arm and nodded to the line, to which Laurie interpreted as "its time to go home."

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If her slightly embarrassing speed walk towards him was not enough, Laurie's teethy grin showed just how happy she was to see her father. Bella trailed awkwardly behind holding her suitcase in one hand, and an obnoxiously large cactus that she brought as 'an ode to Arizona,' in the other hand, apologizing profusely to the people that her sister obliviously walked through as they made their way to the other end of the airport. When they finally made it to Charlie Swan, anyone could see that he had been waiting for this moment for some time. He immediately hugged both of his daughters with as much strength that he could muster without injuring either of the girls.

For the first time since they had gotten off the plane, Bella grinned, and greeted her dad, "Hey Charlie!" Both Laurie and her father's smiles faltered for a fraction of a second when they heard Bella greet the man as if he was a stranger, or a mere acquaintance, but they soon recovered when Laurie broke the ice with a small remark, "Look at you Dad, you're turning into a silver fox," pointing to invisible gray hairs, just to get a rise out of him. Charlie quickly quipped back, "You're one to talk Laur. For a 17 year old, you sure look pretty bad." Laurie quickly elbowed her dad while giggling, and with a smile, and her family members trailing behind her, she turned her heel and dragged her suitcase to her father's police cruiser.

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On their way home, Laurie eagerly exclaimed the details of their relatively short plane ride to Forks, not excluding a recount of Bella's grumbles about the weather they were to encounter now that they were home. Charlie smiled slightly to himself as he looked at his daughter through the rear-view mirror. The word home, to which Laurie casually labeled Forks, meant so much to him, more than he cared to admit. When Renée left with his daughters, he never thought that he would get to hear their voices again, or see their faces, let alone hear them say that their home was with him. He knew, in that moment, that although the only reason that his daughters were with him was because the love of his life, Renée, had finally found her 'true love' in Phil, that despite this, he would never let romance get in the middle of the bond he had with his children, or at least, he would try his absolute hardest.

When they arrived to Charlie's small home that had not been redecorated since he bought it, he informed the girls that, as a homecoming present, he had fixed both  with a car of their own. Now, as soon as the words came out of his mouth, both Laurie and Bella enthusiastically declined, stating that their father was not allowed to spend a penny on them, that they did not deserve it, nor did they need it. However, Charlie insisted that both cars were 'fixer uppers' so to speak, explaining that both Billy and Jacob Black had helped to fix the cars for free, as a favor to the Swan family. He further explained that both cars would arrive later that afternoon, offering both girls the opportunity to go up to their respective rooms to unpack.

When Laurie walked through her doorway, she took a moment to admire her room, it's beige walls covered with memories, closing her eyes as she smelled the air, the faint scent of a spiced air freshener entering her nose, a scent she was positive her father picked out just because he knew that she loved the crisp smell of cinnamon in autumn. She began to unpack all of her clothes, subconsciously putting together different outfits in her head, and as she got to the bottom of her suitcase, she picked up a framed picture of her father, sister, and her, from the last time that they were all together, about three years ago. Placing the picture on her nightstand, she heard a faint knock on her opened door.

Laurie giggled to herself, "Dad, you dont have to knock on the door when it's already opened. Come inside." With a genuine smile, her eyes followed her father as he sat down at the edge of her bed, and said, with a sigh, "Uh, hey, so I just wanted to ask you a quick question really quickly. Just keep an eye on your sister for me, ok? Both you know and I know that despite the fact that you are quite a few inches shorter than your sister, you've always been the more mature one, and you know this town like the back of your hand. Just make sure that she finds a good group of friends." Laurie nodded profusely, "Of course Dad, you know that I wouldn't let anything happen to her."

They sat together for a few minutes, catching up, ignoring the fact that they talked every night, and knew almost everything there was to know about each other, when they both heard the faint hum of a car engine from their driveway. When she looked out the window, Laurie saw a red pickup truck being driven by none other than Jacob Black, and another car, a car which just so happened to be her dream car, a 1970 Dodge Challenger Convertible, being driven by Embry Call. Turning to her father with a simultaneously surprise and grateful look, she hugged him and quickly ran downstairs.

As she ran out the door, her sister trailing behind, she gave a hug to Jacob, Embry, and Billy, who all welcomed her back to Forks. She smiled to herself, and after catching up with each of them, took her new car for a drive, stopping to pick up some groceries to make dinner for her sister and father, who knew absolutely nothing about how to make a good meal. As afternoon blended into night, Laurie eagerly awaited her first day at Forks High the next morning.

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction for Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Saga. I do not own any of her original characters, plots, or works. All characters excluding my own, belong to Stephanie Meyer.

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A/N: AH there it is, the first official chapter. i dont expect anyone to actually read  this but i hope that if anyone does, they enjoy it.

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