Why did you do that?.

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After a couple days Bella had been able to process everything. "Mom? Can I-" bella tried talking to her mom but soon enough the bells went off asking for all units to respond. "We'll talk later bells!" Stella said while running out of her office and to the truck.

After a couple hours no one was back yet and Bella was worrying but didn't think to much of it. "Hey Bella!" Grant yelled from the north end of the app floor. "Hey dad! What you doing here?" Bella asked. "I'm here to take you out for a little bit!" Grant replied. "Come on!" Grant waved his hand over to tell her to follow him.

After awhile of driving Bella could feel like something was wrong. But she knew they weren't in Chicago anymore as she saw a sign that said 'welcome to..' but they drove so fast she didn't see the end but of it. "Dad where we going?" Bella asked scared of the answer. "Oh Bella.. I'm surprised your mom fell for this! Trust me you won't be seeing her anytime soon.." grant said and all of a sudden everything went dark.. she had no recollection of where they were. Nothing.

After what felt like forever they came to a stop. "Yea I got her, I cant believe Stella fell for it!" She heard her dad say outside the car. "Let's get her inside!" She didn't know who's voice it was but she knew one thing, where ever she was it wasn't good..

After a long call everyone was back. "Hey Kelly you seen bells?" Stella asked him. "No.. you can't find her?" Kelly was worried now. "I'll go ask chief for the camera footage." Stella said while walking to chiefs office.

"Hey, everyone! Now we know who has Bella the police are on their way to sort this out! But right now all of you go home. This place is a crime scene now." After a couple hours they had found grant taking Bella and shoving her in a car. Kelly and Stella were both upset about this. They thought they could trust grant but they were played.

After more time waiting they finally had a place where they knew Bella was. It was a warehouse. Once they got there the police found Bella in the corner tied up to a post. After a couple minutes of cutting the rope the police picked Bella up and took her outside. They places her on the stretcher and rushed her to the hospital.

On the way they called Kelly and told them they had Bella and she was now on her way to the hospital. After 10 minutes Bella was finally back with her parents and was safe. As for grant he had gotten away and was no where to be found...

Sorry this took so long I've been really sick! Hope you like it?...

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