Part 9

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The next morning you wake up to the sound of your alarm. You turn over and turn it if after rubbing your eyes. You lay in bed for a while before getting up and having a shower and getting dressed. You then put some make up on and dry your hair. You look at the time and see it's 7:30. You grab your work bag and put your laptop and your notebook and put it in there. You then grab your phone and bag and put the bag downstairs next to the door, you then get Olly's school shoes out of the shoe draws and leave them next the bag. You then head back upstairs to wake Olly up.

"Morning Ols" you say smiling. "Hi" Olly says rubbing his eyes. You pick him up and bring him downstairs and put him on a chair at the island after grabbing his iPad from the lounge. "What do you want for breakfast" you ask. "2 Chocolate toast" he says. "Okay" you say grabbing 2 slices of bread and putting them in the toaster. You then grab a bowl and pour some cereal and some milk into it. You then get Olly's toast out and put some Nutella on it and spread it before giving it to him. You grab his school bag from the coats rack and then sit down and eat your cereal. After you both finish you put the bowl and plate in the dishwasher before heading upstairs to get Olly ready.

Olly gets dressed into his school uniform and brushes his teeth,after he's done with that, you brush his hair. You then grab his cup from last night and bring it downstairs while he follows behind you. His school uniform was smart it was a grey shorts a white t shirt and a blue jumper. You walk down the stairs and olly sits on his iPad while you put his cup in the dishwasher, you then put his lunch in his bag and fill his water bottle up and put his homework sheet in his bag.

You hear a door open and then see Charles walk out, "morning" he says yawning. "Daddy" olly says getting of his chair and running up to him. Charles picks him up, "morning buddy" he says walking over to you. "Morning, how did you sleep" you say. "Good thanks" he says with a smile. "Do you want anything for breakfast" you ask him. "Nah I'm good thanks" he says sitting down after putting olly back on the seat. "Arthur should be up in a minute I have heard his alarm going off for the past 5 minutes" Charles says laughing. You laugh "okay" you say. A couple minutes later Arthur walks out of his room, "morning" he says. "Morning do you want anything for breakfast" you ask. "Nah I'm good thanks" he says. "How long till we have to go"he asks . "45 minutes" you say. "All right" he says throwing himself on the sofa.

"Olly if anyone asks where you were yesterday or Friday what do you say," you ask. "I say that I was wasn't well" he says looking at you. "Good job" you say high-fiving him while Charles and Arthur laugh. "Are daddy and uncle Arthur coming with us" Olly asks. "Yes" you say putting away the washing from the dishwasher. After you finish putting the dishes away you sit on the sofa on your phone while Olly is playing with his toys.

"It's time to go" you say looking at the time. "Okay"Olly says he gets up and walks over to the door. You follow him to the door with Charles and Arthur both walking out their rooms. You help Olly put his shoes on and give him his bag and coat, you then put your shoes on and open the door. You let everyone go out and pick your bag up and walk out the house and shut the door behind you. You unlock the car so everyone can get in, the plan was to head to the school then drive Charles and Arthur back and then head into work since you had to go past the house to get to work. You get in the car and start it and start to drive to school.

The whole drive you were all talking and joking about random things. You pull up to the school and park the car and get out. After you get Olly out and everyone else is out of the car you lock it and start walking up to the school. Charles is carrying Olly while your talking to Arthur you walk to the gate and round to Olly's classroom whilst Arthur and Charles try not to get noticed but it doesn't quite work because a kid recognises them. Charles puts Olly down and then takes a picture with the kid, you then walk over to Olly's class and drop him off at the door and then head back to the gate but more people stop Charles and Arthur for pictures.

You eventually get out the school and walk up to the car you drive back to your house and drop Charles and Arthur of. You give Arthur a spare key while he goes to open the door. "Hey um I just wanna let you know that people are going to work out soon specially because people will post the pictures from earlier" Charles says. "Okay" you say nodding. "Do you wanna announce it soon" he asks you. "Let's just wait for a while my parents don't know yet and I'm guessing your mum does not either" you say looking at him. "True we will wait a couple of months to announce it" Charles says. You nod as he gets out the car, "help yourself to anything we will be back around 3:30, message me if you need anything" you say. "Okay see you then" Charles says shutting the car door and walking up to the front door. He walks in and shuts the door and you drive to work.

When you arrive at work you park your car and go in and sit down at your desk and start sorting out emails and listings of houses. The day goes pretty quick you meet with family's and couples at there houses and look around and take some pictures and reply to emails. After you finish replying to the last email you pack up your stuff and start driving to Olly's school after you get in your car. On the way there Charles calls you. "Hello" Charles says. "Hi Charles what's up" you say. "The pictures got leaked and my media team is asking me a bunch of questions" he says as you park the car and disconnect the call from your car to your phone and get out the car. "Right and I'm guessing people are assuming" you say walking down to the school. "Yes" he says. "Okay well let's wait a few days ignore the posts and just tell your team you were asked to go to a school and talk about your job" you say. "Okay,that's only going to work for a while though" he says. "That's all we need" you say walking through the gate. "Okay" Charles says. "How's it going did you burn my house down" you say laughing and walking round to Olly's classroom. "No" he says laughing. "Okay good I'll see you in a bit Olly's coming out now we will be 15 minutes" you say. "Okay bye see you then" he says. "Bye" you say hanging up the phone while Olly runs over to you.

You start walking back to the car holding Olly's hand while he tells you about his day. You get to the car and put him in and then start driving back to the house half way there you stop to get a cake pop for Olly and then carry on driving back.

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