Part 13

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I woke up the next morning and checked my phone and saw I had a message from Charles letting me know the tickets for spa and hotel were booked. I sent a quick thank you back and told him to let me know if he was free tonight so he could speak to Olly. I then got up out of bed and did my normal routine if getting up showering, getting dressed and ready then heading downstairs to make plays lunch and then waking up Olly. Olly was a lot more happier today which I was pleased about I helped him get dressed into his PE kit since he had PE on Thursdays and then we headed downstairs for breakfast we both had our usuals and sat eating them while Olly told me about how he was excited to do PE today. after breakfast we headed upstairs and Olly brushed his teeth then I sorted out his hair, before we then headed downstairs to get our shoes on ready to leave and grabbed our bags and then headed out to the car. I helped Olly get into his seat and hen got in the front and started driving to school.

When we got to school I got out then helped Olly get out and we headed in to his classroom. I dropped him off then headed to work like normal. At around 10:30 I got a phone call from Olly's school I stopped what I was doing and answered the phone call.

Receptionist:"hello is this Miss Smith"


Receptionist:"This is miss Lee I was just wondering if you could come and pick Olly up from school as he has fallen in PE and badly hurt his arm and is unable to move it"

Kaitlyn:"yes I will be there in a bout 15 minutes"

Receptions:"okay perfect thank you"

the receptionist ended the call and I packed my bag up and headed to talk to my boss. I knocked on the door and headed in after I heard a "come in". "hello Kaitlyn is everything okay" my boss said. "I was just wondering if I could leave to pick Olly up I got a phone call from his school saying he had fallen in PE and hurt his arm pretty bad" I said. "yes of course you can its absolutely fine" he said. "thank you so much I owe you one" I said. "no you don't Kaitlyn don't worry now go and get Olly and make sure he is okay" he said. I thanked him one more time before I headed to my car and drove to school to get Olly. I walked into the reception area and saw him crying in the back of the office. "I'm here to pick Olly Smith up I got a call saying he hurt his arm and needed to be picked up" I said. "oh yes let me go get him" the women said going to get Olly from the women that was sat with him in the back and brung him out the front, as they got closer I realised the women with him was the teaching assistant in his class."He fell pretty badly when they were playing football in PE" she said. "okay thank you for looking after him' I said as I carefully picked him up making sure to not touch it. "you can keep the ice pack just return it to the office" she said."thank you" I said before we exchanged a good bye and I walked to the car.

Once we got to the car I put Olly carefully in his seat and put his bag next to him before asking him if I could look at his arm which he nodded and slowly lifted the ice pack off so i could have a look at it, saying it was bad was probably an understatement, so I quickly got in the car and headed of to the hospital. Luckily it wasn't that long off a drive to get their I managed to find a parking space quicker then I thought I would,I then got out of the car and slowly got Olly out and headed into the Emergency section and signed him in and sat down and waited patiently while trying to keep Olly entertained. Luckily the wait wasn't to long and we were seen quicker then I thought we would be I followed the doctor into a room while carrying Olly and sat down on the bed. "okay lets take a look at this arm then" the doctor said. I took the ice pack of Olly's arm and the doctor had a look. "okay we are going to do some X-Rays to see how bad the break is but I can see now that his arm is defiantly broken". "okay"I said as he stood up and I followed him down to the X-Ray room. Olly got a few X-Rays on his arm before we headed back to the room we were in before. The doctor came back in and sat down before getting the X-Rays up on the screen in the room.He showed me where he had broken and told me he was going to have to have a cast on it for the next 6 weeks. I nodded at him before he left to get a nurse to help him put the cast on Olly's arm. I took a picture of the X-Rays that were on the screen so I could send them to Charles when we get out of here. the doctor came back a few minutes later with a nurse who had a trolly that had the equipment to put a cast on Olly's arm.

I sat Olly on my lap and got my phone out so he could watch paw patrol while the doctor and nurse were putting the cast on Olly's arm. "okay Olly what colour would you like, we have red, green, blue, orange, pink or purple" the nurse said. "red please" Olly said then looked up at me and said "its red like daddy's car". I smiled at him "yes he's gonna love it" I said as Olly's arm was getting wrapped in red cast. After they were done putting the cast on Olly the doctor told me to make sure it doesn't get wet and to make sure he does no sports. I thanked the nurse and the doctor and the gave Olly a sticker before we headed out back to the car and getting in it. I drove us both home and we got out of the car and headed inside. "do you want some medicine to help with the pain" I asked and he nodded I got the medicine out and gave him some before he started to eat the lunch that I made him this morning. After he finished his lunch we headed upstairs and I helped him get dressed into some Pyjamas. "can I show daddy my cast" he asked."yes I'll send him a picture of it" I said. I took a picture of the cast and then we headed downstairs to watch tv since Olly wanted to watch paw patrol. As I was sat next to Olly I got my phone out and went on to mine and Charles messages.

Kaitlyn:Hey just letting you know I had to pick Olly up early from school as he broke his arm. He said he wanted red because it was like daddy's car.He has to have the cast on for 6 weeks.Good luck this weekend.

Good luck this weekend

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I didn't get a response right away so I went back to watching TV and cuddling Olly

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I didn't get a response right away so I went back to watching TV and cuddling Olly.

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