Chapter 11

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Regina's POV:

"I ordered the food" Ali said while I was cleaning the living room a little.

"Pupunta ko sa 7eleven down the street to buy some things, babalik ako" Xandra said and grabbed her bag.

"Sige ingat" I replied.

"Oh may text ka Regina" Ali said.
"Who's it from?" I asked while fixing the square pillows onto the couch.

"Trisha" He replied and I widened my eyes.
"Shes not doing that again is she?!" I said and turned around to grab my phone from Ali.

Trisha: Come get your girlfriend or im leaving a punch mark on her face

And there was a picture of Narda.
I gritted my teeth and looked at Ali, rushing to put my shoes on and didnt even have time to tie my laces.

"Teka Reg-"

I didnt let Ali finish his sentence and barged out of the house, opening the gate and not even closing it because I ran as fast as I could to the school.

Narda's POV:

Trisha yawned and looked at me "Its been 10 minutes" She said as she was sitting infront of me with a chair.

"Whats it to you if I get hurt anyway" I mumbled and looked down onto the floor.

Trisha grabbed my chin with her hand and lifted my head to face her.

"I want to see Regina in pain" She said and laughed creepily. "Shes put all of us in pain and thinks she'll get away with it?" She asked and I looked at each and every ex of Regina's.

Trisha had a point, Regina couldnt just get away with hurting all these people but I didnt want to see her in pain.

"Check this out" Brian said and handed the phone to Trisha. "Looks like shes seen it" Trisha said and looked at me.

"Im telling you were wasting our time" I said.
"Why's that? She wont come will she?" Trisha asked.

"Shes busy preparing something" I muttered.
"I bet she actually never kissed you" She said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yes she has" I said.
"Your all her exes and has she ever kissed you guys?" I asked.

"I bet she hasnt even had a first kiss" Trisha mumbled. "Shes never kissed any of you?!" I asked in shock.

"God damn it- No?!" Trisha yelled.
"So stop lying" She added.

"She has kissed me, well I kissed her" I said and Trisha rolled her eyes. "Save the lies" Trisha said.
"Hey how about you kiss me instead" She winked.

I looked at her with a disgusted expression.
"What? You think im a bad kisser?" She asked and leaned into my face.


Everyone looked up to the side where the classroom door was because it made a loud slamming sound when it opened.

"Regina" Trisha said with her jaw dropped.

"Im going to kill you" Regina muttered through her gritted teeth and walked up to Trisha.
Regina grabbed Trisha by her collar uniform and made her stand up.

"I-I- How?! How are you here- Why?!" Trisha stuttered.

"Regina wag" I said and stood up.
Regina looked over to me and all the anger on her face faded.

Her grip on Trisha loosened and she let go to pull me into a hug.

"Narda" Regina said and hugged me tight.
I hugged her back.

"You actually like her" Trisha mumbled and Regina broke the hug. "Ofcourse I do" Regina said and turned around to face her.

"This isnt fair! You owe us all an apology! A sincere one!" Trisha yelled and the others nodded.
"Pfft you think Id give you all one?!" Regina responded.

"Apologize to us" Brian said.


"Regina apologize to them" I said and she turned around, looking at me confused. But then her confused eyes relaxed and she turned back around.

"Im sorry for playing with your feelings, I never knew how bad it affected you all" Regina said and sounded sincere.

"So lets just put it all to the past and dont mess with us anymore, I love Narda okay? I commit to her" Regina said and held onto my hand.

"Sorry na rin" Trisha said and I smiled.
"Peace between us?" Trisha asked and lend out her hand to shake.

"Apologize to Narda first" Regina said and Trisha looked at me.

"Im sorry for bringing you into my problem" She said and I nodded.

Regina then shook her hand.
But then quickly left the room while holding mine.

"Okay kalang? I should have known she was going to do this, Im sorry" She said as soon as we exited the empty classroom.

"Okay lang naman ako" I replied.
"Thats good" She said and smiled slightly.

"Your shoe laces are untied" I said while looking down at them. I kneeled down and tied them.

"I didnt have time to tie them" Regina said and I smiled but hid it.

"Is the party still on?" I asked Regina as I stood up and she smiled fully, nodding. "Lets go?" She asked and held tight onto my hand.

"Kiss muna" I said and she raised both of her eyebrows. She leaned in and kissed me.

"Sure kaba na commit na commit ka saakin?" I mumbled after breaking the kiss. "No im not sure, im confident" She replied.



This was just a one shot story I thought of, I hope you guys liked it and sorry for some errors I made if I made any.

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