the endpoint
How dismantled the specks of light seem,
stretched, ensaffroned—equivalent to senescent
volumes of dolorous sonnets wooed by the sun.I peruse this light upon my sepulchral ribs;
with the sweetness of my hibiscus tea fingertip
I hunt it, I delineate the roundness of its story.Here beneath the valley of my wine-doused breast,
the line of your jaw like a tulip leaf moved,
opened and closed over my cotton-woven skin.The fervid grape, the pellucid nectar of your tongue,
an ambrosia in the small hollow,
a streamlet I soak my feet in.There upon the pollen-sprinkled footpath of my wrist,
you tread barefooted, clasped in the safety of your palm
is a gilded locket, closed over a plait of my girlish hair.I unfurl my eyes and an old dream repossesses me—
your body like a white column towering over me,
upon which sunbirds sat,with childlike poise, with purity unspoiled,
I elongated my unfilled figure to osculate
the wonder of your mouth.It enfolded around mine like spring's first rain,
a fatherly kiss,
a newfangled facade of mine.I think you are a cathedral
and I shall take after you;
these specks of light shall comeshining through the windows
to keep the stormpath of stone
burning so I forget notthat the endpoint is the altar,
that I am able to love the loving,
that I am able to live within my bodyunfilled,
let out the butterfly
PoetryThe sunlight backs away from me and I am glad- LET OUT THE BUTTERFLY is a collection of poetry. © 2023 cursivelun, all rights reserved.