Girl Meets Apologies

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Maya walked out of the police station. Shawn followed her, close behind. Katy and Topanga were finalizing details on Maya's fine. Shawn walked faster to be in the same stride as Maya.

"I need some time alone Shawn." Maya said, running away. Shawn chased after practically tackling her down on the ground to catch her.

"No Maya, we need to talk." Shawn said, his arms around her waist.

"I'm sorry. I know I'm not the perfect daughter. I'm sorry I'm not Riley."

"You think that's what I want Maya. I want you. I love you. To me, you're perfect."

"I'm not perfect Shawn. And I'm sorry about that."

"You don't need to be sorry."

"I'm always messing up."

"Everyone makes mistakes Maya. We're all just another brick in the wall."

"I don't fit into that wall Shawn. I have to squeeze in, I don't fit."

"Yes you do. It may not seem it, but you do."

"How do you and Mr. Matthews know so much?"

"Mr. Feeny."

Maya was silent for a minute. Shawn didn't push talking. Katy ran up to them, her jacket in her arms.

"I got a call from the hospital. Josh wants to talk to you."

"Well I don't want to talk to him." Maya shot back.

"What happened at the hospital Maya?"

"He doesn't remember our relationship." Maya explained, tears falling out of her eyes. "But I remember everything. And I need him to remember. He said I was too young for him, like he used to."

"I'm sorry Maya." Katy said, hugging her daughter.

"Let's go back to the Matthews'." Shawn said, hailing a cab.


"I need to see Maya. I need to see her right now." Josh said, refusing to lay back down in the hospital bed.

"I'm sorry Josh, but you can't. You can't even see your parents right now, since visiting hours are over." One of the nurses said, putting a blanket over him. Josh fought against the blankets, but the nurse wouldn't let him up.

"We need to run some tests on you Mr. Matthews." The other nurse, the one holding a clipboard, said. Josh looked at her.

"Have you ever realized that you love someone and you need to tell them?"

"Yes, I have." One nurse said, the other one nodding.

"Were you held back, never to tell them how you feel?"

The nurses looked at each other. "We're really sorry Josh. But we can't."

"I just realized she loves me. I need to tell her I feel the same way."

"I'm sorry Josh." Said the nurse who held him back into bed.

"Nurse Nicole! Nurse Amy!" Josh yelled as the nurses ducked out of the room, locking the door. Josh jumped out of bed and pulled on the door, but it wouldn't even budge. Josh looked around.

The hospital phone next to the bed.

Josh dive-bombed on to his bed. He scramble for a minute, trying to free his arms. Finally he got hold of the phone and dialed Maya's phoned.

The phone rang and rang. No one answered.

"Balls!" Josh said, slamming the phone down cursing.




Riley's Point of View

It's raining.

Fitting I guess, for a funeral.

We're all here. Josh was discharged from the hospital last night, and everyone who came to the reunion drove down to Philadelphia for the funeral. Uncle Chad wanted the funeral to be close to their home.

All dressed in black, each one of use has a white rose in our hand. Uncle Chad, Kayla, and Tony are in the back, as well as grandma and grandpa.

Uncle Jack and Aunt Rachel went first, placing their roses on the casket. Their kids went after them. Maya and her family went next. Then Mr. Feeny.

Uncle Eric and Co. followed. Josh. My mom. My little brother. My dad.

Placing the rose on the casket, I say Amen, and walk away to join the others. I've been to wake's, but never a funeral or burial. It's so different. Saying goodbye to Aunt Morgan is something I thought wouldn't happen, at least not for a long, long time.

My dad pulls me in for a hug. I can't look. My grandparents join us.

I can't watch as Kayla or Tony. Their mother is gone. I hug my mom.

As some point I turn around. Chad has been standing over Morgan for what feels like an hour now. All I know is that we go to breakfast.

Maya's Point of View

Josh takes three steps forward, putting the rose on Riley's aunts grave. I already put my rose on the casket, I'm just waiting.

Josh doesn't look up, just keeps staring at the ground. He's close to Cory and Eric, but he grew up with Morgan, not them. This must be really painful for him.

Josh comes past me. "I'm sorry Josh." I whisper, so even I can barely hear myself. I feel something pulling me forward.

I hug Josh back. It feels nice to have him in my embrace again.
Josh POV

Maya's hug is warm. I want to hold her like this forever, feel her body warmth against me for the rest of my life.

I realize I love Maya. I do. But she let me go. I think I need to do the same for her. Unless she feels otherwise. But there's only one way I'll know.

I pull away from Maya and take her hand, squeezing it. Maya squeezes back, and I begin to cry.

"Why did my sister die and not me?" I asked.

"Josh." Maya began. "Its not your fault."

"I know. But I could've done somehing. She died saving me."

"I know Josh. I didn't know Morgan well, but she was always very nice. And I'm sorry she's gone, but I'm thanking God she saved you."

Maya presses her lips to mine for a mere second.

In that one kiss I feel everything and nothing at all. Nothing being the pain and anger Ive had the last few days. Everything being that she loves me and I love her back.

When Maya pulls away I feel cold. The warm, sweet kiss gone.

"Im sorry Maya. About everything. I love you."

"Im sorry too Josh. I love you so much." Maya said, wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me in for a kiss. "You do realize that we are gonna do something really, really good tonight."

"I bet." Josh said, kissing Maya.

Girl Meets All Grown Up...Well, We'll See (A Girl Meets World fanfic) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now