Ch.1 The School

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Yami's POV
I was reading the schools hand book on the bus. Of course I was in disguise and hiding my wings. After I get off this bus I have to walk to a certain spot where the bus from the school will take me to the academy. It's suppose to be secret and only Angels and demons know the way there.

That's funny because I'm not even shore if the spot I'm going to is where it is. I got off the bus and began walking. After walking for awhile I ended up in a very creepy area. I decided to rest for awhile because I was exhausted. I sat on a bench that was near by. I looked around and I had no idea where I was.

" That's just great. I'm lost!" I said to myself. I was about to leave but a bus stopped right in front of me and opened the doors. I asked " Umm?" The bus driver looked at me and said " Are you getting on. I don't have all day" I said " umm ok but where is this bus heading?" The bus driver said " Blood Wing academy! Where else?"

I jumped up and said " Oh that's where I need to go." I quickly got on the bus and took a seat. We began to drive and I asked " So do you know what the school is like?" He answered " No not really but I know if you have any questions the Blood Wing guide will be there to help you."

I said " oh ok!" We stopped and I was surprised that we got here so fast. I got off, bowed and said " Thank you sir." The bus driver smiled and said " Your welcome." I looked around and saw I had to walk through some woods before I got to the school. " Hello." I jumped around and got in my ready to attack form.

I then saw a girl with long white hair and angel wings. She was about to say something but before she could a tear trickled down my cheek. She walked over to me and hugged me and said " It's ok now, cry if you want." I cried for a little bit while I hugged her. When I finally stopped she said " I'm Kanade and I'm your guide for today. Oh also feel free to ask questions."

We began to walk through the woods and it was beautiful. I then asked Kanade " Is the school really filled with only angels and demons?" She smiled and said " Yep." My eyes sparkled and I said " I knew I wasn't the only one!" She smiled and said " Of course your not." I then asked " Is there anything I should know about the school?"

She said " Actually there is, the school is divided up, see the angels and demons don't like each other and so we have separate dorms. We have some classes together but we don't interact." I looked at her confused and asked " Why?" She said " it's a long story, I'll tell you later but right now let me show you around our school."

She showed me around the school and showed me where my classes are. She even introduced me to some people who where in those classes and she showed me to my dorm. She then said " Well I hope you like our school, I'll see you tomorrow. It's cool how I have some classes with you." I said " ya see you tomorrow." as I waved bye. I walked into my dorm and put my stuff down on the empty bed. " My room mate isn't here yet." I figured she would be back later. So since she wasn't there I figured I would unpack my stuff.

Esmee POV
I arrived at the school but saw I had to go through the woods. I was about to start walking but I heard a twig break. " Who's there?"I heard laughing and then a girl with long white and pink hair. She had Black little wings and a demon tail. She said " I'm Blackie and I'm your tour guide."

I said " Ok?" She showed me around the campus and showed me all my classes. I saw some angels and I waved to them Blackie grabbed me and took me out of sight. " What's your problem?" She then said " oh sorry I forgot to tell you. Angels and demons are not allowed to interact with each other."

I asked " Why?" She said " I'll tell you later but let's take you to your dorm so you can get situated." She took me to my dorm and then said " I can't talk right now there are other new students I have to show around. So I'll see you later bye. " I waved goodbye and then went inside my dorm. I heard the shower was on so I just simply closed the door behind me and put my stuff on the bed.

But the strange thing was there was already bags on it. " Ahh!!" I turned around to see an angel with blonde hair and a towel wrapped around her. She asked " What are you doing here." I responded " This is my dorm." She then said " This is the Angels dorms." I said " Blackie! She is such a kluts. She took me to the wrong dorms."

I apologized and picked up my bags. I was about to leave when the angel said " Wait!!" I looked back at her " What?" She said " I'm Yami, sorry for being so rude. I'm new here and my guide said angels and demons aren't supposed to interact or something like that?" I said " My guide said that too but she didn't say why. I think it's pretty stupid though." The angel then said " me too!!" I then said " Well nice meeting you Yami but I should probably go or I'll get in trouble."

She then said " Ok but what's your name?" I replied " Esmee, Esmee Dragneel." She then said " I'm Yami Eucliffe." After that I walked out and pulled out the paper that had my room number on it. I then saw that Blackie read it upside down. " I'm not sure they should have Blackie be a tour guide." I said to myself. I turned the paper the way it's supposed to be and headed to my room.

A/N: I hope you guys like my story so far. It will get better this is just the boring opening.

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