D is sitting outside on a bench in the night. The stars are out and are obstructed by the occasional cloud, as is the silence by a car. They're collecting their thoughts about a recent breakup, whilst being held in a trance by the Ursa Major. C joins them.
C: Hey, you alright?
D: Yeah. I think, at least. I don't know.
C: Do you want me to stay out here with you?
D: ... Yeah. Yeah, I mean if you want.
C: You sure?
D: Yeah.
[C sits down with D]
C: ••• What's up?
ContoSonder is a sensation often unfelt, so why not indulge in it in the form of literature? "Starlings" is a short anthology of dialogue scenes between unnamed and ungendered characters. It combines the prose of a novel and the format of a play script o...