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Name: Miyu Sakaki

Age: 15

Birthday: December 17th

Blood Type: AB

Height: 5'2"

Hair Color: Teal

Hair Length: Flowing

Eye Color: Hot pink

Likes: Sweets, music, her friends, anime, art, and helping people.

Dislikes: Bullies, bitter candy, sour candy, the color purple (expect for Tamaki's eyes, she considers them a blue purple), and feeling useless.

Fears: No fears

Personality: Determined, and hard working. Kinda dim witted when it comes to her emotions besides angry, happiness, and some others. It's love and everything around that, that she doesn't understand. A sweet and caring person who tries to help everyone but if you push your lucky messing with you you might want to run.

Past: Mother was an agent and her father was a ninja. Her mother died in a hostage situation. Her father raised her but trained her to be a ninja and take over her mother's spot as an agent. After her mother died she never understood what love is so, she has no clue what it is. All she knows about it is that's the feeling you have for family. After her mother's untimely death her favorite maid, Tsubaki, became the mother figure in her life and helped her father raise her.

Hobbies: Martial arts, music, drawing, and reading.

Sex: Female

Sexuality: Straight but sometimes has to hit on girls for information. (Not going to be in the story but thought it was useful to know)

Family: Mom, dad, David, Kyle, and Tsubaki.

Family Description: Mom: Chiasa Sakaki- Teal hair, blue eyes, flowing hair, deceased.

Dad: Ryo Sakaki- Brown hair, blue eyes, short hair, kinda tall but not as tall as Mori, and owns the agency.

David Dunn: Close friend of Miyu's who is like a brother of sorts, third rank in the agency, shaggy black hair, brown eyes, wears glasses to read, technology geek.

Kyle Sparks: Also a close friend of Miyu's who is like a brother or sorts, second rank in the agency, short blonde hair he keeps spiked up, green eyes, the trivial geek of all things to do with agents.

Tsubaki: The maid that helped raise Miyu, long light brown hair, blue eyes, wears glasses.

The Love That Wasn't Meant To Be (OHSHC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now