Chapter Nineteen

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(Time skip something five days later)

Miyu's POV

I have been awake for an hour at most. I'm now in a dark room. The only light in the room is from a window. I'm alone right now but I know this won't last long. I saw a camera in the corner of the room. With the angle it's at you can see my hands. Maybe I can use that to help later. My phone's gone it must have dropped off me or it was took. With the camera pointing at me someone must be watching what I do. I move as if I'm struggling but I'm seeing if my shurikens are on me. I feel movement in my back pocket. Yes! I still got them. With that little fact I felt better. I continued looking at my surrounding. There's not much in here just a table with a case thing on it, the chair I'm tied to, the window, and the camera that's watching me. My wrist are tied behind my back but I'm trying to reach for my back pocket. I need to activate my tracker. I need to let David and Kyle track me. The door opened stopping my attempt to get the tracker at this moment.

"I see you're awake." Someone walked up behind me but I can't see them. They won't show their self to me. "I'm not ready to deal with you yet Miyu." He hissed my name when he spoke. How does he know me? "Sleep tight." I felt the burning pain in my neck. Fuck, the sleeping drugs again. I heard the door shut. I attempted to get the tracker activate one last time before I go under. My finger brushed against my pocket and I heard the slight beep sound. Yes! I got it. I went under again into the darkness.

Kyle's POV

Everyone is here waiting on results about Miyu. David's on his laptop trying to find Miyu while the host club stands around him. I'm sitting to the side waiting for the tracker to activate. We've been at this since five days ago when the host called saying Miyu is missing. Of the two of us David is the tech geek but I'm the one who looks for the little details and I'm the expert with travail knowledge. My phone beeped. I looked seeing a blinking light.

"She did it." I felt eyes on me. I looked over at the guys.

"What'd you say Kyle?" David asked. He froze from typing.

"Miyu, she activated the tracker." He quickly took my phone and started working from there.

"I got it." He brought up a map on his laptop. "She's not even in this area." He sounded shocked.

"What?" Haruhi asked him.

"Whoever took her isn't even in this area. They took her out of here." He tells her. He was able to link to a camera. Miyu showed up on the screen but she wasn't awake. "She should be awake by now. Sleeping drugs don't last that long."

"How would you know about sleeping drugs?" The twins asked together.

"Agents have to know about every drug there is. Sleeping drugs should only last about three hours at most." I say. "I would say every time she would start to wake up they drug her again." We waited to see how she was when she wakes up while coming up with our plan. About three hours later she started to stir. David turned to volume up. She seemed to be wide awake now. She looked our way, she must be checking the camera out. Her hand started to move. "Can you read me?" I say aloud.

"What?" Tamaki asked.

"She's signing." David tells him. "When we first started working missions with her we went over different cases of what could happen to us. This was one of the cases we prepared for a few years back." He paused watching. He hacked into the cameras system giving him control. He moved the angle three times. A slight smile made it to her face.

"Why's she smiling?" Kyoya asked.

"David let her know we are watching. We have a plan so we can tell when one of us is watching in. Miyu is one move, I'm two, and David's three. She knows David is watching in."

Third person POV

A wave of relief washed over her knowing that the guys are watching her. She keeps signing to them for now. 'I need backup. Send me help. I'm trying to get free.' She had to stop because the door unlocked.

"I see you're awake again." She could hear him walking around and soon he came into view. He looked about as old as her. He has brown hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin. She thought he seemed familiar. "This seems like a case of déjà vu." She stayed silent. "You have no clue who I am." He smirked. Everyone that was watching this was confused. So was Miyu. After a few she figured out who he is.

"You're the son of the rapist who murdered my mother." He glared at her.

"My father is in prison because of your bitch of a mother!"

"Your father was nothing but a rapist and a murdered! He deserves to be in prison!" David and Kyle were getting pissed listening to how the boy talked about her mother. The host were watching intently.

"She's gonna snap." Kyle says.

"You have no right to talk about my father!" The boy yelled at her.

"And you sure as fucking hell don't have a right to call my mother a bitch! You have no clue what you're dealing with."

"Says the girl who has so many boys fawning over her but yet stays pure. You're the one who has no clue what you're dealing with." He starts walking around her while she sits there with an emotionless face. "I don't see why those boys have so much interest in you." The host club boys faces heats up. She just stays emotionless and silent. "Only difference between you and a boy is you have tits." The more he talks the more he pisses all the guys watching off. He went to touch her and as a result she head butted him. He yelped holding his head.

"Try grabbing me again and you will regret it." She hissed. The boy held his head groaning.

"You fucking bitch!"

"You don't get to touch me or talk about my friends without being hurt."

"With her being kidnapped she still takes up for us." The twins say together. A few hours pass and David has backup coming her way. They have been arguing back and forth this whole time. Miyu during this has been working her hands to get them free. The guys have been watching her work her way out. They saw her struggle to pull one of her shurikens out of her back pocket. She slowly started cutting at the ropes so the boy doesn't notice her escaping. He got tired of arguing with Miyu and pulled a knife out. He stabbed it into her stomach. It took all she had to keep from showing it hurt. He dragged the knife to the left before pulling it out. He backed up smirking.

"Tell your mom I said hi in the afterlife." He started off the door but only to hear a sound behind him. She was free from the ropes and now standing. He charged at her with the knife only for her to back flip over him. Just as he turned to go at her again a shuriken stuck in his neck. His eyes widen in shock before he collapses to his knees.

"I will not fall at your hands." She panted out. She held a hand to stomach before seeing it drenched in blood. The boy soon died leaving her alone in the room. She looks at the camera signing. Kyle reads aloud what she says.

"Sorry you had to see that. I had to."

"I think she knows you guys are watching also." David tells the host. They see on the laptop that she used a shuriken to break the lock on the door. She leaves to room holding the wound on her stomach. Miyu makes her way through the place she's held in until she pushes a door open seeing she's outside. She now faced wooded area. She collapsed to her knees before coughing up blood. A minute after she fell to her knees the backup came. They had an ambulance with them. They rushed to Miyu and rushed her out. Soon she went unconscious leaving the world around her in darkness.

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