Can you?

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The title picture is my own and actually owned by my friend "scribbly Sunday" on Instagram so please use credits before you use it.


“Thank you for accepting my invitation; and I sincerely apologize for my behavior.”  He said a little embarrassed in himself.

“Thank you for inviting me to this exclusive event that happens to cater 2 persons only;” she said to lighten the mood that made him chuckle a bit, “and past is in the past, I totally understand; things happen. At least we are good now; right?”

“We are?” he was surprised, “Oh! Yes we are.” He corrected himself when she raised her eyebrow.

They were sitting facing each other in a fancy restaurant, having fancy dinner. It was long overdue on his part as an apology for when he yelled at her out of frustration that was not her fault at all. He did apologize several times before which she forgave every single time-she wasn’t mad in the first place- but he wanted to make it up-to her somehow so he invited her to a dinner. (Apology was an excuse; but she would never know). After they were done they left the restaurant and walked towards the car.

They were driving in silence and radio played serene musical piece. They had the windows down and cool breeze added to the peace. His eyes were trailed to the road but he took occasional glances at her- who was looking out the window- His selection of far off restaurant was going to waste. He chose this particular place that was in the outskirts of the city so he could spend more times with her. The roads were mostly empty which gave him no excuse to drive slowly and she wasn’t talking. He had his eyes on her when she turned to him and their eyes met for a brief moment but he was quick to focus on the road ahead.

“Ahm… Am I boring?” he broke the silence when he couldn’t take it anymore.

“What makes you think that?” she asked in surprise.

“You are so quiet; you are so talkative with others. Am I making you uncomfortable?” he voiced his concerns.

“Your presence can be anything but uncomfortable. I am talking and making jokes with others in fear of not getting them bored, but you… The silence is so peaceful… I can sit here forever and ask for more.” Her soft voice made him sigh in relief and warmth spread on his cheeks which went unnoticed by her.
“Do you mind if I take you somewhere?” she asked him to get a positive movement of his head in response. Then he followed wherever she directed him.

After 15 minutes they were in a clearing of a hill that was surrounded by trees and bushes. It was a little hike but worth the effort. She got rid of her heels and sat on the grass and he followed the pursuit. She looked at him and smiled, dimples bloomed on his face and his gaze warmed with love he held for her. They lied down on the grass facing the sky (It was her idea). The view was breathtaking. There were no clouds to veil the beauty of the sky, no city lights to conceal the freckles on the face of the night sky, no obnoxious sounds masking the songs of the nature. The breeze still ruffled their hair but the moment warmed them. They talked about all the theories they had about the creations that lie beyond the sky and all the life that existed on these tiny specs. The galaxies glittered in all their magnificent glories, only to be seen by the keen lovers of the forces created by the nature. They made constellations of their own and named them, giggling on the absurdity and the childishness of the act but the bliss never let the maturity hit them. This moment was theirs to be in, to be as stupid, as childish, as ignorant and carefree as they wanted to be.

The moon was there. She was there but never bright to show off her light she stole form the sun. She sat quite looking at them in her dim presence, her craters visible to the naked eye. She sat their naked and bare of all the cloaks the sun enveloped her in, her marks in full display. But his eyes were on her. His her-who was in awe with the moon- how could he look any other way? He already has wasted time looking at other things. He wanted to spend a life time looking at her. She talked, and she kept talking about how she loved the moon. He complained she wasn’t talking and now she was talking. He would never get tired of her talking. He’d spend a life time listening to her stories and bargain for more. They lay at a distance, her eyes twinkling with excitement. He’d never seen her this way, her genuine awe. Oh! How he wished to steal this moment from the time and run like a thief where time follows him but he’d never return this moment back. She saw galaxies in the sky but he saw galaxies in her eyes and God were those the most beautiful galaxies he’d ever seen. God created universe and packed it in her eyes. A sheepish smile played on his lips.
When she didn’t get a response for her question about his beliefs in after life she turned her face in his direction and found him looking at her. He didn’t look away neither did she. (Hey time! I guess I might have to steal a lot from you) A time addressing thought crossed his mind. It was the most serene of the moments that could ever exist; but her heart was contrary, a chaos. She sat up and her movement broke the spell. He sat up too.

“It’s getting late, we should head home.” She said picking up her heels and getting on her feet.

After walking a little, the tension dissipated.

“Can I hold your hand?” he asked walking beside her.

“I don’t know. Can you?” She brought her hand up to him and when he tried to hold her hand she ran away and he was hot on her heels laughing, so freely after so long, being a child isn’t so bad. When does a person grow up? After the little chase game he caught up to her and interlaced his fingers with hers, now walking towards the car.

And once again they were in the car, now closer to their house- houses. He had been silent the entire time; didn’t utter a single word, it made her uneasy unlike a few hours ago when she felt comfortable in the silence (did she talk too much?). They were on red light and the silence prevailed. She looked at him with an emotion she couldn’t comprehend. She moved a lock of her hair out of her face, his eyes followed, she played with her fingers, his eyes followed, he didn’t say anything nor did he move; she bit her lip in confusion, his eyes followed that too, but this time he did move; he turned his body slightly towards her and placed his one hand behind the headrest of her seat and the other on the steering wheel, she froze looking at him, he moved in towards her, she didn’t move but her eyes widened. He looked into her eyes and then her lips. The muscles on his back flexed as he further occupied her space, she forgot how to speak. She closed her eyes like that of a pigeon when it sees a cat. A car honked behind theirs to let them know the light has turned green. He cleared his throat and went back to the wheel, both a little embarrassed and blushing mess. The rest of the car ride was silent with him completely focused on the road and her fidgeting with her dress.

After what felt like eternity they arrived in front of her house. She thanked him for the dinner and got out of the car and started walking towards the door. He watched her going but got out of the car taking long strides behind her, catching up to her in 5 counted steps and grabbed her wrist to turn her around. She looked up at him startled by his action, mouth slightly open. Tension hung low on them. He placed his hand under her chin to angle her face and pressed his lips on hers in a chaste kiss. Moon smiled. A brief kiss of love, adoration and fervor, he smiled into the kiss when she kissed him back, placing her hands on his biceps.

“Wow!” she exclaimed looking at him.

“Can I do that again?” she questioned him.

“I don’t know. Can you?” He responded with her own words and a mischievous grin on his face which faltered a bit when she pulled him towards herself with his collar and smashed her mouth on his. He froze for a moment but wrapped his arms around her waist and deepened the kiss as she circled his neck with her arms.

Moon smiled.




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