Your Birthday With The Ghouls/Ghoulettes!

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He loves to hide small hidden gifts around the ministry, wether that be in your room, in the dining hall, where ever, but he always makes sure that everyone knows they are your gifts to find. He'll go around the ministry to see if you didn't find some of them to bring to you just in case. One year he got you a stuffed animal of a possum.

He will do anything you want him to. He believes that when it's someone's birthday and it's a loved one, you have to do whatever they say, but to an extent. So if you need anything and try to go get it yourself, he will already have it in front of you before you can even start walking. One year you had to tell him to calm down and that you could do it because he was tired.

He will stay up and bake you some of the best tasting sweets, deserts, or meals depending on what you like. Of course he is under the supervision of either Aether or Cumulus, since one year he almost burnt down the ministry because he forgot something in the oven.

He will cling to your side all day and take you shopping. He will spoil you to the end of time, more then normal. When you return home he puts everything away and puts on a movie while cuddling you, just loving to be in your arms. One year you didn't want to do anything since you were tired, so he thought you were sick so he ran to Sunshine for help.

He's sort of like Sodo, but instead takes you on a nice candle lit dinner in the ministry gardens, in a more secret place so no one can disturb your nice date. After you guys will lay down in the grass, looking at the sky and watching the stars, he sometimes points out constellations. One year someone found your guys date place so Mountain moved it, since he doesn't want it to be disrupted.

She will wake you up with breakfast in bed, or with just your favorite drink if your not really hungry in the mornings. Then she will take you to a few stores then on a walk. Near the end of the day you guys will cuddle and she will shower you in kisses.

She will wake you up and take you on a walk and take some very lovely photos of either you, or the both of you, and near lunch time she will take you home and make you a nice little lunch. Then near dinner time she will take you to a restaurant and afterwards take you home, but once you get there, you both dance, waltz, just enjoying each others company.

You guys will most likely stay inside, maybe go on a short walk, but she honestly just wants to stay cuddled up to you all day and just sleep beside you. She has gifts prepared for you whenever your ready to open them. She will also go through everything on your phone to see what you want or like so she can get it for you.


Hello everyone! I hope that you liked that because it's sort of my first time writing headcannons! Also if you see any spelling errors, you can point them out to me.

You can go to the request page to ask for anything that you might want to see!


Live,Laugh,Love Mountain, Cumulus, Sodo, and Aether 😍

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