What Its Like Hanging Out With The Papas

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Sister Imperator
Nihil - Papa Emeritus 0
Spending the day with him is like being tortured. He tells you the whole family tree of the Emeritus bloodline. He's really just a bore. Give him a McDonalds sprite, just trust me and do it. He totally won't die.
Primo - Papa Emeritus I
Spending the day with Primo will most likely either be inside having tea and just talking and enjoying each others company, or going outside to the garden to help him with placement of new flowers, shrubs, etc. He loves when you both hangout because he thinks your a very easy person to talk to.
Secondo - Papa Emeritus II
He will probably just drive you around, maybe buy you something's here and there, but really you both will just talk and talk about random things all day. He most likely has a list of things to do whenever you guys hang out, so the car option is only used when he doesn't have a plan, but it's always fun because he sometimes blast Barbie Girl and sings along.
Terzo - Papa Emeritus III
Spending the day with Terzo is sort of like spending the day with Second, but he lets you choose what you guys do. Sometimes you'll talk, sometimes you will go for a ride, or you guys will just stay at the ministry and watch stupid lowly animated movies.
Copia - Papa Emeritus IV
Spending a day with Copia will most likely end up with you have two pets rats, or him having at least five new ones. You definitely encourage him to get more so he can have a rat army to defeat Nihil or something. He will only give you two rats if the rats, after being picked up by you, will not let go of you at all. Those rats remind you of him.
Sister Imperator
She will most likely be working on paper work most of the time, but you and her will still have conversations, and maybe a little coffee or tea break. Sometimes you both will just go on a walk through the ministry and talk about plans.

Hello there! I have made another headcannon because I have no ideas or Oneshots currently, so if you'd like to leave any suggestions or anything, don't be afraid to!

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