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Moonlight filtered down through the canopy of rustling leaves, illuminating the beach with an eerie, stark white glow. The darkened depths of Long Island Sound lapped softly at the ivory sand, which shone through the shallows and revealed a multitude of nocturnal fishes flickering in and out of the rippling shadows. Rustling in the underbrush announced the presence of unseen creatures on the prowl.

The sharp glow of the moon and the tree's shadows swaying across the forest floor contrasted sharply, creating an in-between world, just balanced on the edge of light and dark, unable to decide. A mouse scuttled hurriedly across a stretch of exposed bare earth and disappeared once more into the shadowy undergrowth. Silence; then a piercing shriek shattered the night as the unfortunate mouse fell afoul of some hungry carnivorous creature.

At the point where the needle-strewn forest floor completely gave way to the pale sand, a different shadow glided, weaving in and out of the trees as its owner slipped through the shadows. It was a new shadow, one that wasn't wont to appear in that particular time and place. But only the full moon and the creatures of the night were witnesses to the new arrival rustling through the trunks; and the moon, curious in spite of herself as to the purpose of this mysterious visitor, peered down through the thinning trees and saw -

- the most beautiful horse since Pegasus himself graced the Sound's murky waters with his presence. A dappled grey, with a flowing white mane and tale. Intelligent grey eyes glinted as the horse returned the moon's stare and stepped onto the beach.

And indeed, the intelligence lurking in the mysterious depths of the horse's eyes was far from average. Tossing her head in a proud sort of way, she fixed her gaze on the little dock down the beach.

The horse smiled to herself, at least as much as it is possible for a horse to smile, and a great feeling of fulfillment settled over her as she watched the wavelets rocking the dock with a jerky back and forth motion.

Her mind travelled back to the past day, and what had transpired on that dock. She had watched from the trees as the scene had unfolded, flowered; blossomed into something that she instinctively knew wouldn't die for a long time. She was glad of it. Her peace was perpetually dependant on another's peace; and after the events of the day, she was more content than she'd been in forever.

One day she'd make herself known to him. One day she'd speak to him, let him know that she wasn't quite gone yet. Tell him how much she loved him. For now - she'd decided it was for the best to let him be. To let him recover, give him some quality time with his new friend. Announcing her presence now might crush the flower before it really had time to grow.

The horse watched the dock for a long moment, lost in memories. Remembering her own experience with it. Back before all this. Before everything went down in flames.

No, not everything. He hadn't quite gone down in flames. For a while he'd been close - so close. But he'd been caught just in time by another, and for that the horse was eternally grateful.

The sand sparkled white under the moon's cool gaze, and the horse's pelt rippled with silvery shadows. She could have been made of moonshine. And her eyes, reflecting a stormy turmoil that wasn't there, brimming with wisdom, would have been the moon's craters. But her mind was occupied by memories of deep, mesmerizing green whirlpools, epitomes of perfection...

Artemis, the horse mused, gaze returning to the moon. Don't you ever get tired of it? Just going around and around and around?

The moon gave no reply, and after a moment the horse turned back to the trees. She knew the answer. Who didn't get tired of going around and around and around? The horse had been offered the chance to stop, once. She hadn't taken it. Because there was a person she cared about more than herself, who had yet to be given a chance at release. It was for him that she kept going. Around and around and around.

But, despite being stuck in the endless cycle of things, he was happy. And that, really, was all Annabeth Chase ever needed.



A/N: *cue the dramatic finale music*


I just finished a story

A have literally never done that before in the entirety of existence on this planet

I'm like half crying right now

Wow. Wow. Wow. Wo- ok I'll stop. Well... I guess this is goodbye. Words can't describe how much I love you crazy people who took the time to read this. *announcer voice* Give it up for: dreamingupastorm's amazhang readers!!!! *the crowd goes wild*

Anyhoot I guess I'll see y'all around on Wattpad. Of course I may or may not go back and tear this story apart and like completely rewrite it. But for now - stay awesome and have yourself a cookie and a turtle. 🐢🍪. Keep being lovely little rainbow unicorns! Long sail the valiant ship Percico!!! *flies away into the sunset on the Unicorn of Destiny*

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