Chapter 4 - The Happening

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You stare at the door through which Nico's just vanished. You're stunned. Hurt. And completely, utterly bewildered.

He's mad at you. You've hurt him. Why the Hades did you kiss him? Are you going crazy? That must be it. You look down at your wrists.

You're crazy.

Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy...

Obeying a sudden impulse, you shoot to your feet and practically slam the door off its hinges in an effort to get outside as soon as possible. Your bare feet submerge themselves in the long, damp grass. A chilly little breeze plays in your hair, bringing with it an afterthought of rain.

It must have rained. If so, you didn't hear it. Why? Because you were too busy creeping out the person who's trying to help you? What have you ever done for him?

You start across the green, making a beeline for the Hades cabin. But, the door is closed and locked, and for all your knocking and calling you receive no answer from within.

Nico's gone somewhere else, then.

You start off in the direction of the forest, slipping through the shadows so as not to attract too much attention.

You take the path through the forest at a jog. Late morning sunlight slants down through the canopy of leaves overhead. A monster howls in the distance. And still no sign of Nico.

Gradually, the trees begin to thin and you can see Long Island Sound glittering through the trunks. The forest floor turns to sand beneath your feet as you emerge into the bright sunlight, blinking. Shielding your eyes from the sudden brilliance. As the dark spots clear from your vision, you cast a sweeping glance up and down the beach.

And you see him.

He's sitting at the end of the dock, cross-legged, leaning over the edge. His back is to you, and you approach from behind, quietly.

You're right behind him on the dock before he sees you. Turns his head slowly and raises his eyes to yours. His face is streaked with tears.

A jolt of shock goes through you.

Without a word he turns away from you and resumes his blank staring into the murky waters of Long Island Sound.

"Nico," you say after a moment.

He doesn't reply.

"Nico," you try again. "I'm sorry."

He laughs harshly, gaze still fixed on the little wavelets slapping gently against the dock. "Right."

You blink, startled. It occurs to you that there must be something else going on here. Something you don't know about. Something you feel you ought to know about.

There's a moment of tense silence, and then you sit down cautiously next to Nico. He gives no sign that he's aware of your existence.

"Look," you say eventually, when it becomes clear Nico's not going to start the conversation. "It was an accident, Nico, I swear. I didn't mean to upset you. It just sort of... happened."

You're beginning to think he hasn't heard you when he says, "I figured." His voice so full of bitterness and resentment that you flinch.

He looks at you, stares right into your eyes, and once again your struck with that absurd awe at the beauty of his. You're captivated. Unable to break away. Who would've thought that Nico di Angelo's eyes could do this to you? The only person you've ever known who had this effect on you was...


...Annabeth Chase.

The sudden realization causes your heart to stop, then start thumping an irregular tattoo against your chest. Could it be? Could it possibly be?

Are you... in love with the son of Hades...?

"Percy?" An uncertain voice cuts into your thoughts. You blink, feeling at though the waves nudging the dock are actually rocking it, threatening to capsize it, to spill you and Nico into Long Island Sound.

"Percy?" Nico's voice repeats. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," you hear yourself say, your voice oddly hoarse-sounding.

"Your eyes got bigger than your head for a moment there."

You shake your head, still seeing everything as in a dream. Still trying and failing to break eye contact with him. His face is so close to yours, peering at you anxiously, lips parted ever so slightly. Has he always had that little dimple in his left cheek?

And then you're kissing him, and it's the best thing you've ever done, your mouths were undoubtedly made for each other; and he's kissing you back, and you figure this is what it must feel like to be electrocuted, or to consume too much nectar and ambrosia and spontaneously combust. Except it doesn't hurt, not in the least. It takes away the hurt. The terrible, persistent ache in your chest is gone. You're floating away on a cloud of bliss, and you wish you could just stay like this forever...

A million years later you come up for air. Nico stares at you in amazement, eyes wild, breathing heavier than normal. Your heart is threatening to burst out of your chest.

"I don't suppose that just... happened?" Nico croaks after a long moment.

"I don't suppose you liked it?" You return, trying and failing to keep from grinning.

He eyes you suspiciously, but there's no hostility in his manner. Only a sort of reserved curiosity.

"Well," he says eventually. "did you like it?"

Good question. Did you really like it? Maybe it's all just some sort of post-traumatic impulse, just a way to fill in the gaping emptiness that is the absence of Annabeth. But the more you consider the possibility, the more loopholes you find in it. You know yourself pretty well. At least enough to know that what you're feeling towards Nico isn't a case of you being "on the rebound".

"Yes," you decide. "Yes, I did."

And then the tears come, sudden, unbidden. You didn't know they were coming. You're not even sure why. Everything's just so confusing. You want Annabeth. Kissing Nico feels like betrayal. He makes you so happy, but your wrists hurt and your chest hurts and everything just hurts hurts hurts and you're so sick of it all and you wish it would end -

Nico wraps his arms around you and holds you like a baby while you sob into his chest, and you're once again enfolded in that overwhelming sense of safety. You... you're...

Suddenly, Annabeth's face pops into your mind's eye. She's wearing a teasing smirk. You can almost hear her voice laughing at you: Go on, Seaweed Brain! You're what? love with Nico di Angelo.

Annabeth grins in a very satisfied sort of way, and all sensations of betrayal fade away. You're happy with Nico. And Annabeth wanted you to stay happy.

You wipe your eyes on your sleeve, raise your head off Nico's chest and kiss him again.

"Wow," you breathe when you finally break apart.

Nico cups your face in his hands. "I love you, Percy," he whispers, voice almost inaudible, full of uncertainty.

"I love you, too, Nico."

And you mean it.


A/N: |>.<|!!!!!!¡... Btw there's this song called The Happening, and it's basically about falling in love so ya kno. Merp. Sorry bout the huge wait but I was devoid of all wifi *sobs*.... It's really bothering me that I can't do emotional/fluffy scenes as well as I used to. Oh well. Tell meh what you think. But hey, they really and truly kissed! That's gotta count for something!! Turtles for all!🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢

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