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I woke up to find Lam sitting there, fresh faced and just watching some TV.

"What time is it?"

"6am P. How do you feel? The nurses will be here soon."

"Why are you up so early? Did you even sleep?"

"Wasn't sleepy. I took a shower around 4am. Been watching TV and playing games."

"Not sleepy?"

"I just want to make sure you are ok. What do you want for breakfast? Let me get you something ok?"

I nodded and told him what I was craving. The nurses came and then he stood up to leave. I held onto his hand suddenly, not wanting him to go. But he looked at me, assured me he will be back very fast. He kissed my head reassuringly and promised to be back soon. I nodded and finally let go of his hand. The nurses knew what I had been through so they were extra mindful and careful and to give them credit, they waited for Lam to come before they left. I was grateful to them for that.

I had my breakfast after a shower and Lam made sure I took my medicines too. Between testing, medicines, visitors and just napping, my days passed by quickly. A week later, I was fit to be discharged. Lam picked me up and brought me back but we ended up going back to his dorm rather than mine. I looked at him quizzically.

"You stay over for a bit till you are completely better then you can go back."

"I'm ok Lam. Trust me."

"I know you are physically. But emotionally? I don't think so. And you still need toa address this." 

Lam pulled up my sleeve, revealing all of my previous cuts on my hand. I looked at it and grimaced. Lam just caressed my face and assured me that he wasn't doing it to point out my mistake but rather wanting to make sure I got the space and help needed to talk about it comfortably. I knew where he was going with it so I nodded in agreement.

It was the weekend so we didn't have classes or anything. The boys came by for a bit but in the evening, I woke up from a nap to find Lam smoking in the balcony.


"Hey. You are awake! Hungry? Let me go buy you something?"

I shook my head, insisting I wasn't hungry. I jsut went over and held onto him from the back, still half sleepy. Lam just let me be like that for a while before he pulled me to the front and held onto me. He rested his head against my hair and held onto me. I thought I would be adverse but I realized I felt secure and warm in Lam's hold and he made me feel protected and loved.

I.. what was this? I never was looking for love and it was the last thing on my mind but I realized that Lam automatically made me feel warm, loved, protected and secure. I just continued letting him hold me until his phone rang. He smiled at me before breaking away to answer the phone.

He held onto my hand as he brought me back to the hall whilst talking to Park on the phone. They were animatedly making plans and I jsut chuckled as I heard both boys mock quarrel over it.

I took my hand away, wanting to get a quick shower and Lam nodded his head as I went off. I showered, changed and came out to see Lam fixing dinner for us.

"What's for dinner?"

"I made your favorite porridge P. P Arthit told me and I did a batch for you. Hopefully it will be to your liking."

"I will eat anything you make for me Lam. Thank you. By the way, why do you call me P?"

Lam looked at me incredulously and started laughing.

"You are my senior, aren't you? It's only common courtesy P."

"You can call Arthit that if you want. But you don't have to call me that. You can just call me by my name."

Lam looked at me and didn't say anything. He turned his attention back to the food and continued stirring it. I decided to walk back to the hall first to watch some TV, feeling a little shy from the conversation. Then I heard Lam call out to me which sent me into a full blown blush.

"Kong, can you help me set the table? Thank you."

Ah, that did it for me. I full on burst into a blush as I nodded my head and ran off to set the table.

Hearing him call my name wrecked my heart a bit in a good way.

In a very very good way.

Do You See Me?  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now