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I held onto Park's hand claiming I wanted to keep him warm. But I wondered if that was really the reason or I just wanted an excuse to hold his hand.

But I know I didn't go around holding my friends' hands. Definitely not Aim, Sharp or even Kong. I just glanced at Park as we walked back. His face was abit red but he didn't let go of my hand either.

We went back to his room and I told him to rest well. He looked at me and just nodded softly. I finally let go of his hand reluctantly and was about to make my move when Park held onto it.

"Why don't you stay over? It's late already?"

"It's fine Park. I just stay 2 floors up. I get going. You rest na. I come see you tomorrow."

"P... stay please?"

I looked at Park and he shuffled closer to me. A smile came over my face involuntarily and I found myself nodding my head. I took a shower whilst Park took a quick smoke break. He didn't realize I was done and I went to the balcony.

"Happy puffing away?"

"P!" Park tried to quickly stub out the cigarette. I laughed at him.

"It's fine. You don't have to stub it out."

"It's ok. I'm sorry for smoking P. I just needed a quick one.."

"It's fine. I'm fine with it. You are old enough okays? You don't have to explain your decisions. I trust you."

Park just smiled and nodded at me and I chased him to go get a shower. When he came out, he joined me on the couch as I was busy on the phone with Kong. He didn't say anything and just watched TV. I slung my arm around him and brought him in closer.

He looked at me before laying his head on my shoulder. I really liked having Park privately because he behaved like this cute cuddly kid around me and I enjoyed baby-ing him.

"What are you doing tomorrow Kong?"

"I got AT classes to cover and then I will stop by Sotus for a bit ok?"

"Park is doing fine. I'm with him now. Okays I tell him. All rights."

I hung up and Park looked at me quizzically.

"Kong was asking on how you were and told me to take extra special care of you."

Park chortled. "I'm no girl P. No need to take extra special care of me."

"You don't have to be a girl for me to look after you. Boys need looking after too."

"Yea. But I'm just a friend P. You don't have to spend so much time on me."

"Are we really just friends only Park?"


"Do you allow Forth or Lam to hold you like this?"

"P.. no.. what I mean is.."

" I don't hold my friends like this Park. Not even Kong and he has confessed to me before. Because I only see him as a friend. But I'm holding you. Are we still really just friends?"

Park looked at me stunned. I guess he didn't expect me to just confront him head on. I didn't expect myself to do it too. But I didn't want to keep running away from Park and I felt like he needed to know the difference between himself and Kong.

Silence swirled around us for a bit and I decided to give Park a break. I just smiled softly at him, apologising for being so confrontational and was about to take my arms off him when he held onto it.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. I just don't want to be a burden to you. And I don't know exactly how and where I stand with you and I didn't want to assume."

"You aren't a burden to me. Not when I want to do it. And I think I made it very clear. Kong is a friend. You aren't. I don't hold my friends like this. I only hold the one I like, like this. Is it clear?"

Park just burrowed his head onto my shoulders, blushing full on. I took the opportunity to kiss him on his hair softly. He looked up at me and I leaned in again, to kiss him. I kissed him softly at first, then slowly deepening my kiss. Park growled softly and pulled me towards him as he laid on the couch. I hovered over him as he kissed me. I grinded onto him slowly as I deepened my kiss. I pulled away slowly to kiss him on his neck and lower. I sucked on his neck and hit jackpot when he bristled as I hit his soft spot.

I grinned as I kept at it and I could feel Park getting a hard on. He couldn't stand it and pulled me away.


"You are still calling me P? I'm turning you on Park. And you are still calling me P? Sounds wrong, doesn't it?"

"Argh. Stop it!"

"No. Make me. I wouldn't stop until you call me Arthit."

"Please. Don't.."

I didn't listen to Park and took off his shirt. Park growled as I kissed him whilst I took him in my hands concurrently. He moaned and tried to hold it in but couldn't. I lifted him up and made him sit on me as I sat up. He looked at me, face all red, neck even redder and full of hickeys.

"Call me."

Park looked at me for a long while before finally muttering "Arthit."

"Good." I then carried him to the bed and that was the start of a moan filled, lusty night. But hearing Park call my name over and over again fulfilled me as much as it did physically.

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