Does anyone care?!

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Uriahs P.O.V.

I walk into the house and staight to Chloe's room and notice the pile of blood that dripped on the floor still there. I find an empty backpack, grab clothes and her necessities, then i go to my room and get an empty bag and fill it with clothes, my laptop, and chargers. I walk into the living room where most of the family is, and I look around with guilt but i know they need to know, i clear my throat and everyone goes silent, "Um you -you guys Ch-chloe's in the hospital, ...she may not make it through the night."
They looked at each other and shrugged,  without a second thought. An explosion of anger and disappointment ran through me. Red flooded my eyes, piercing them with daggers. I turned away in silence. With a new perspective I walk out of the house and drive away.

Chloes P.O.V.

I gave up on trying to get through to warm bright light and am now laying on my back thinking about anything and everything, I wonder if they notice if I'm gone, will they miss me, why do they hate me, did any of them even care about me? Then I hear beeping and muffled talking, I look around and can't find the source of the beeping or talking.

Uriahs P.O.V.

I walk into the waiting room and see Charlotte and no name sitting there with the other person they came with, I walk towards them and clear my throat. They look up at me with hard hateful eyes, that make me flinch, "My um... um.... my family isn't coming." Charlotte raises her eyebrow and laughs me and no name look at her like she lost her mind some where. Still laughing "Well I could have told you that, it's been that way since before you mom, well you know... but even then I think you mom was the only one to truly cared about Choe." She says slowly towards the part with my mom. I nod, put down mine and Choes' bag on a chair, and walk towards the receptionists desk; to find out where Chloe is. The nurse at the desk looks up and sees me and starts to get nervous, but tells me that Chloe room is 405. I nod, turn around, walk back to the waiting room for our bags, and go straight to her room. Charlotte and the two other people I don't know realize what I'm doing and quickly follow.
I walk into the room to see a tube down Choes' throat to help her breathe, a heart monitor, and in IV connected somewhere in her arms. I sigh and sit down on the chair that's in the room by the door. The entire drive coming home I couldn't help but think that this is all my fault. I shouldn't have held what happened against her. She was just a child, who watched my mom die.   Before I knew it Charlotte had ran up to me and wrapped me in a hug while I was crying, I hugged her back mumbling 'I'm sorry, it's my fault' repeatedly. She just held me, and didn't loosen her grip once. So that's what comfort is I thought. The last time I had a hug like that was at my mom's funeral by....Chloe.

Mom was the most beautiful person I have ever met. She was dressed in her favorite black dress that had black lace sleeves. Her make up was done to perfection, and her hair was in a fish tail braid coming down her right shoulder. The moment Chloe ran into the doors, she stopped for a second and scanned the room. She was looking for someone. The moment she saw me she ran up to me and crushed me into a hug, she held onto me like I was the next one that was gonna be in a coffin. I gently hug her back, and pull away to see my cousins staring at us. They turn away and start laughing. Chloe was still clinging on to me for dear life.

###End of recap###

My family went to the funeral and to the wake, but the moment their table was done they were out the door. The only person besides me who cried was Chloe. She stayed behind with me and helped me clean. I never realized that she was the only sentimental one of the family. Why she stuck around, even after I treated her like shit is beyond me. The looks she gave me after beating her, and screaming at her were more looks like no matter what you do I will always forgive you, looks; I couldn't handle it, it's pushed me further and farther to do more hurtful things.
My cousins didn't help. They were encouraging me, everytime. I used to cry when I was laying down in bed, and Chloe would quietly seek in and comfort me. She would ruby back and hum, until I fell asleep; she did that every night. Until I finally turned around, slapped her and yelled at her never to touch me again. That was the last night she went even remotely close to me if she had a choice.
She needs to know everything, even my secrets.

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