Chapter 7: Voices from Beyond

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The next day, Melody decided to tell Claus about the voice she heard. Out of everyone, Claus would be the one to figure out what it was.

"Hey, Claus?" Melody asked as she knocked on his bedroom door.

"What do you need Melody?" Claus's voice came through the door.

"Umm, I want to talk to you about something that happened yesterday..."

Claus walked over and opened his door. "What happened? Are you alright?"

"I'm alright but..." Melody didn't know how to say it. She knew it would sound crazy no matter how she said it.

"'But' what, Melody?" Claus started to look a bit concerned.

Melody took a deep breath. "I heard a voice... while I was walking yesterday..."

Claus looked at the young moon and smiled slightly. "Maybe someone was nearby or your mind was simply playing tricks-"

"I was at Andy's grave when I heard the voice," Melody interrupted Claus. "No one was near me but I didn't feel alone..."

Claus looked shocked at Melody's sudden outburst but he KNEW what she was talking about.

"Anything else...?"

"Well..." Melody started again. "When I was there, I felt a comforting feeling. Like someone was trying to comfort me."

"Melody, do you happen to remember what the voice said?" Claus asked Melody.

Melody thought for a minute. "Well, when I thanked it for comforting me, it said, 'You're welcome'."

Claus smiled. "It seems like we have a polite voice here." This got Melody to smile. 
"Did it say anything else?"

Melody started to look a bit confused. "It... did..."

"Well, what was it?"

"It said 'Don't worry, I am still here. I'm not gone.' then it said 'Not yet'..."

Claus looked a bit scared. He didn't know who or what Melody heard or if they were dangerous but he had promised Andy that he would keep everyone safe. 

Claus had a straight face. "Melody. Do not go out to Andy's grave until I figure out what you heard, alright?"

"A-alright, Claus..." Melody's spirit sunk a bit. 

She was actually planning to go back there. She believed the presence she felt was Andy and that the voice might be him too. But little did she know, that's what Claus was thinking.

He had also heard a voice. After he and Margret buried Andy, he thought he heard a faint 'Thank you.' Now Melody heard a voice in the same spot. He decided to go out and see if his guess is right.


As Claus walked through the vast field of trees, he arrived at Andy's grave. As Melody said, Claus felt a comforting presence. It actually felt like someone was there. Claus decided that if the voice would respond to Melody when she said "Thank you" then he should try talking to it.

"Hello?" Claus asked hoping what Melody heard wasn't real.

Claus sat down near the tree. After a minute or so, he heard a voice.

"Hi!" It sounds happy as if it wanted to see him.

"Melody came by here yesterday. Are you the voice she heard?"

It felt like something sat next to him to talk.

"I am."

This was starting to freak Claus out. He was communicating with something he can't see. 

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