Chapter Two: Trapped

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A big hand touched the mask on his face and removed it, it was the guy from before the main one who led the group of men.

"you?" I yelled "why did you grab me and throw me in this stupid van?" I asked him because why me? why did he grab ME? what was so special about ME?

"because we need your help" luca spoke.

"my help with what?" i asked confused

"there's a man who stole my money and you as a very beautiful young women, we want you to charm him with your beauty so he will lead you back into his house where we will be there and well, definitely get our money back and more in simple terms" he explained

"I don't get it though if you needed my help why didn't you just ask for it?" i replied in confusion.

"well when your a mafia boss you have to do it the hard way my love" he spoke.

He was a kidnapper. But he was so hot.

"wait your a mafia boss?" i spoke thinking they were just imaginary in fan fictions and wattpad stories.

"he sure is my dear" one of the members called alex said removing their mask, yes he was also one of the ones from before. After this, they all begun to remove their masks. Holy shit. They were all the same men from before. Cute.

"we're not going to hurt you my love" Luca spoke. "But if you run we will do you understand dear?" He asked me reloading a gun from his pocket.

"Mhm" i nodded frightened but with lust in my eyes because of how thoughtful his adjectives were. No one had ever called me anything like "my love" or "dear" i just thought it was so beautiful.

"Were taking you to my mansion, aka your new home my love" he said pulling my body in to rest my head on his muscular chest. Even though this man had just thrown me into a van and kidnapped me, i still felt the most safe i ever have been in those arms.

Some time later...

We arrived at Luca's house he was right it was rather large and beautiful.

He whispered in my ear "come on darling let's get out" as we arrived, me still being layed comfortable on his chest.

I got out of the van, his men shutting the door behind me. He walked infront of me and led me through the front door.

"How do you like it" he asked me.

"It's beautiful" i answered as his men left for the day with their van as he walked toward me and stroked my forehead giving it a gentle kiss.

"Look darling i don't want you to be scared of me based on the first impression i gave, but i do care for you and your feelings." He stroked my forehead looking at me so lustfully. "Tommorow evening is when it's going to happen make yourself look perfect for your first mission baby" he spoke pulling me in for a cuddle.

"Am i going to get hurt?" I asked with fear in my voice.

"No darling" he laughed "I would never let that happen to such a sweet girl" he said. "Now go upstairs and get ready for bed sweetheart I'll lead you there don't worry I've already got you all of the pyjamas you could desire" he told me, taking my hand and leading me up the stairs and into his bedroom. He handed me some stunning lingerie and lead me into this large room to get changed, so i smiled at him and shut the door. I just sunk into the wall for a second. What the fuck just happened? This man had quite frankly just kidnapped me and led me into his house i hadn't even bothered to check my phone due to the event that had just occurred that night. But i got changed and walked out.

"You look stunning my love" he spoke with his hand lent against the door frame cracking me a smile as he stood there with nothing but his underwear on. Sexy.

He took my hand and led me into the bed and pulled me against his chest again and letting me fall asleep in his muscular arms. I had to take a moment to admire him for a second before i shut my eyes, got comfortable and fell asleep with him.

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