Chapter Six: Revenge

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It was the next day and life was just perfect, he was perfect. We woke up to see each others faces.

"Hey my love" he said to me.

"Good morning" i responded waking up.

"I've gotta go to work" he says rubbing my belly.

"Well you stay here and don't go anywhere" he told me.

"Okay" i answered smiling.

Time had passed and he had gone to work and it was just me at the mansion, all alone nobody was there then i heard the doors smash open confused what happened i look around and then i see him Alex standing there and his men walking toward me grabbing my arms and legs causing me to scream.

"Don't worry baby you'll be safe with me" he said smiling.

They threw me into a van my mouth covered in tape my legs covered in string.

When we arrived, I got dragged out and thrown into a room.

"Who the fuck gave him the right to humiliate me like that? Now we're going to find your poxy fuck boy and give him a taste of his own medicine" he told me as i looked at him in disgust.


"I'm home my love" I shouted as he closed the door.

"My love?" I shouted confused on where she was.

I went around the house searching for her confused because she was nowhere to be seen. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and tracked her down. There she was at Alex's house what was she doing there?


Time went by, i was getting cold feeling trapped it was nighttime by now. But yet they were all stood there watching me. Until I heard a car pull into the driveway and the door smash down.

"Just the person I wanted to see" Alex shouted.
"Had a fun time humiliating me yesterday?" He asked Luca.

"You stole my money i just got it back" he told him. "Now let her go" he told him.

"Not until you get my mon-" he begun to speak but Luca had already grabbed him and gotten him to the floor all the men standing in shock when he layed there with a bloody knows he untied me and let me go.

"I'm never leaving you out of my site again okay?" He said crying.

"Never again" I said kissing him.

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