Chapter Five: Act 3

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We arrived back to his place and i see the same black car from yesterday, god this man was going to be the death of me.

"Is that your car?" I ask him obviously pointing to Luca's car to get him in an angry move.

"what car? no it isn't who's here?" he says angry and confused smiling so hardly on the inside because i was about to see Luca in action.

I open the car door to get out he walks to. He opens the front door with the keys loudly being moved. We got in to see Luca stood there, gun in hand with his men beside him glass everywhere because of the break in he must of committed. Alex stood there in shock. His men wasn't there they must of left for the night.

"How did you get in here?" He asked sounding frightened in his tone.

"It doesn't matter how i got in here, you have something that belongs to me and i want it back" he says.

"What are you talking about" he answers laughing.

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about you stupid fuck, the money" he says as i just stand there observing it.

"You owed us that money" he shouted.

"No we didn't, owe you it you took it and now we want it back" he screamed.

After this Luca knocked him out with his gun leading him to bleed on the floor he crouched down to the floor.

"If you ever steal my money again it will be a lot worse than this" he told him in his ears as his men went out to get the money.

"Come on my love" he whispered in my ear as he led me into his car.

We got into his car, and he told me "thank you sweetheart for doing that for me, now this isn't the end of me and you i still want you to live with me, so i can hold you and take care of you" he held my hands as he said this. In this moment everything was perfect. He held the end of my face and pulled my lips onto his for a kiss. I finally felt loved by another human being.

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