Cloudy with a Chance of Rain

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About five years after the children escape The Command Center, in outer space, a colossal space vessel is approaching Earth. Aboard the vessel are various types of creatures dressed in uniform.

In the Command Deck of the vessel one of the creatures report in a foreign language. It translates, "Planet ahead, Sir". The apparent commander responds by nodding his head. He's covered in a dark cloak so his face can't be seen. The commander stands at about fifteen feet tall with broad shoulders.

He turns toward another and asks, "So this is your home planet?" A nervous looking human standing in his sight replies, "Yes, Lord Draegon". The Commander issues the order, "Prepare for invasion!"

Meanwhile back at The Command Center, a notification pops up on a scientist's monitor. The scientist opens it and discovers a space craft in the view of one of Earth's satellite cameras. The scientist immediately notifies the supervisor.

The supervisor enters and views the screen. Panicking, the supervisor quickly grabs a phone and starts a call. Out of fear, she says "I know that ship!" as the phone rings.

Over an hour later, A group of black vehicles drives into a forest right outside of a small town. After the vehicles get further into the forest, they come to a stop. A man in a suit exits one of the vehicles and looks around with a beeping device in hand.

As he observes, a voice echoes from within the woods, "You had tracking devices on us this whole time?!! What took you so long?!!" The man in the suit continues his inspection and answers, "Thought you all needed some space, so we let you go! But we had to keep tabs on you in case things got out of hand! You understand, right?" The voice the man in the suit hears is Adult Cato. He and Grown Up Lynx are hiding in a tree.

Cato: "Yea, well things are still in tact. So what are you doing here now?"
Man in suit: "We're not here to contain you. We're here to ask for your help."
Cato looks confused.
Man in suit: "There's a big storm coming, and you guys could help bring us some sun."

Cato and Lynx leap out of the tree into the man's view and walk toward him. "A storm, huh? How big we talkin'?" Cato asks. The man in the suit answers, "We're talkin' biblical here. The flood, fire raining from the sky, and a plague of locusts.. the fate of the world, millions will die, and even more could be enslaved as human experiments n' such. You and the rest of the Nobodies can stop this. You can be heroes."

Cato and Lynx look at each other as they think the same thing. Cato signals the rest of his team. "Nobodies, huh? That's what you call us?" He mentions as the team comes out of hiding. The man in the suit confirms, "It's the name The Command Center gave you. You guys are so top secret that you don't even have identities... for confidentiality purposes, of course."

Cato glances at his team as they join the conversation and echoes, "'Nobodies'... It fits. I kinda' like it." Chaise steps in interrupting the conversation. "Yo, what's goin' on here?" He interrogates. 'N what do you want, Creepy Man in Black?" Angel laughs at the nickname Chaise gave the man and adds "He looks like the dude from the matrix! MR. ANDERSON!" Diesel interrupts, "No, he's the transporter!"

The Nobodies all laugh together as the man in the suit walks back to his vehicle. He opens the door and insists, "Let's take a ride. I'll explain everything on the way." "On the way to where?" Chaise grills. "'Cause I kinda just got back here, and I'd hate to have to relocate over some bull." The man in the suit returns, "I'll explain that too." Then he enters the vehicle and leaves the door open.

The Nobodies all together lean into a huddle with each other and bicker...

Chaise: "Its a trap. They want us to go without a fight."
Cato: "I don't know about that. They knew how to find us the whole time we were gone. That could've been done a long time ago."
Diesel: "Well, why do they have so many vehicles?"
Chaise: "In case we DO put up a fight!"
Cato: "Maybe so... but from what the man said, somethin' big is goin' down soon. I don't think we should ignore the chances of that happenin'."
Chaise: "Are you crazy?!! How can you trust somebody so easily?!!"
Angel: "We've been out here for a little over five years. Now they wanna' show up?? At the same time, it's not like they came out with guns or anything. This may be really important, guys."
Diesel: "Well we could either go now and fight later.. or fight now and end up finding out later. I agree with Angel. They don't seem to wanna' take us by force. Maybe we should ask 'em what happens if we say no."

The man sticks his head out of the door. "I did mention that the fate of the world is at stake, right?" he reminded. The team looks at Cato. Cato counters, "What if we say no?" The man's voice leaves the vehicle "World domination!"

The words of the man give the team immobility for a second. Cato finally steps forward and initiates the command, "Let's go, guys." He walks to the door of the vehicle, stands by holding the door, and waits for his team.

The Nobodies board the vehicle. Cato tells Angel before she enters the vehicle, "Tell Phoenix to watch over us from the sky. She needs to alert us as soon as possible if she sees anything suspicious." Chaise, being last to enter before Cato, tries to intimidate him by saying, "If this is a set up, I'm kickin' your ass first." Cato replies with a condescending smile, "You can try".

After everyone is aboard, the convoy begins and the man tells his story.

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