𝒊. one

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❝ first day!

IT WAS AUGUST 27th in the year 2000, the day before jaizen diaz officially starts eighth grade. to say she was nervous was a complete understatement. many things could go wrong tomorrow, and she was very aware.

it was around 9pm- not a good time for jaizen to be having a mixture of emotions in her opinion. most people may be having dinner, some even watching tv or being peaceful and enjoying the late sunset. however, that wasn't the case in the diaz household.

"you never have time to for me or your own child! do you even know what day it is tomorrow?!"

"well of course?! it's monday!"

"what?! i'm talking about your daughter's first day of eighth fucking grade!"

it was difficult to have peace and quiet when her parent's constant shouts was heard in the background. it only made her more stressed and cloud her mind with negative thoughts. she sighed and got up, closing her door shut.

once she did, she smiled slightly for the first time that evening, noticing how she could barely hear them anymore. she went back into her original position of sitting on the floor and leaning by her bed.

she picked up her landline phone and frowned, "i'm back, sorry about that ann."

'ann': anna's nickname. maya never really liked jaizen using her nickname for anna, so she opted for the first half of her name, instead of 'na'. it worked out, so jaizen didn't complain.

"no, it's fine, you know i understand." the tall blonde girl replied from the other side.

jaizen relaxed her tense shoulders, knowing anna would understand regardless, considering her parents fight from time to time. they managed to convince each other it was 'normal', one of the reasons why jaizen was more comfortable calling anna in the afternoons.

"so, first day of eighth grade tomorrow! it's gonna be amazing, you excited zen?"

jaizen looked down towards her lap which contained the yearbook photos last year. she gazed back and forth between her seventh grade school picture and the mirror in her hands, showing her new appearance staring back at her.

"yes..? maybe, i don't know. it could go both ways. what about you ann?"

"lighten up, zen! me and maya both think it's going to be the best year we've had so far. you know, i heard from maya that apparently alex and heather broke up!"

jaizen's eyes widened, "no way- why?"

"because heather gave a handjob to both brandt j and dustin l this summer." anna informed.

the mention of dustin's name caught her off guard. she hadn't heard his name or seen him all summer, besides that one time she saw him in their local grocery store and avoided him through different aisles.

she just didn't expect the first time she's heard about him in ages to be, well, that.

she couldn't help but wonder if he did anything else during summer. like maybe he got grounded and couldn't go out. or he got a girlfriend. maybe his tv broke? or he got a girlfriend...

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