𝒗𝒊. six

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❝ first day!

IT WAS NOW lunchtime, and after the scene earlier jaizen didn't know how to act. she felt a mixture of emotions, but she mainly felt flustered by dustin's protectiveness.

she didn't mind fighting becca, but nonetheless she was grateful for dustin at that moment. it wouldn't look great if she fought someone on the first day.

she told dustin she was going to the bathroom, not giving him a chance to reply before speed walking away. she had to pull herself together and hope her blush wasn't obvious.

she rushed into the bathroom and sighed in relief because it was empty. she stood in front of the mirror and looked at the faint rose colour on her cheeks. she got some cold water and splashed some on her face, cooling down.

she didn't realise someone entered until a voice spoke from next to her. "woah, girl, you good?"

jaizen shifted her eyes towards a dark skinned girl who was giving her a concerned look. she wore a baggy shirt with mom jeans, lots of jewellery and star clips in her braids. she was roughly around the same height as her: 5'4.

jaizen gave her a small smile, "yeah, i'm okay, thanks."

the girl nodded. "good to know. a girl should never be stressed on her first day back." she chuckled, walking over to the counter beside jaizen and sat on it.

"honestly." jaizen chuckled, turning the tap off and drying her face with some tissue.

the girl reached her hand out and smiled. "name's monique, mona for short."

jaizen shook her hand, nodding once. "jaizen, but you can call me zen." she retracted her hand. "i love your name by the way."

"aww, thanks! yours is gorgeous, for real." monique complimented.

"so, are you new? i've never seen you around before." jaizen asked, leaning against the counter.

"nah, i ain't. but i understand why you would think that." she laughed, "i just kinda mind my business, so not much people know me. it has its pros and cons."

"ohh, right. you seem cool though, and i'm pretty sure i just fell in love with your style."

monique waved her off with a smile, "girl you're really feeding my ego- i'm flattered, truly." she said, crossing her right leg over her left, "but can i also ask why you came running in here all nervous? you don't have to say, obviously."

jaizen shook her head and sighed. "no it's fine- it's just, this whole day has been hectic. my only two friends have been rude towards me and i don't wanna hang around them anymore. also this boy has been giving me so much mixed feelings it's crazy.."

monique raised her brows. "damn, you're really going through it. i'd be stressed as well to be honest."

monique then reached into her jean pockets. "since i assume you're missing lunch, here." she held up a packet of crisps and tossed it towards jaizen who caught them. she then took out a heart shaped lollipop for herself.

"thanks, and yeah, i guess so. it sucks because i got no one to sit with at lunch." she said, beginning to eat the crisps.

"what about that boy you were talking about?" monique asked.

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