𝒙𝒊𝒗. fourteen

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❝ solo!

THE RANDOM BOY managed to find dustin, brandt, and alex at their normal table near the corner of the cafeteria. it was just the start of lunch, so not many students were around yet.

he rushed towards them and didn't hesitate to speak. the three boys stopped talking once he approached, looking at the boy curiously. "monique wants you guys, becca and jaizen are fighting!" he informed quickly.

it was like the words 'jaizen' and 'fighting' automatically triggered something within them, because the three boys didn't think twice before getting up and following the random boy to the scene.

"do you know why?" dustin asked the boy worriedly. his speed walking turned into a jog with brandt and alex on either side of him.

the boy shrugged, which only made dustin's concern grow. he just hoped that when he got there, jaizen or monique weren't hurt badly, knowing both their tendencies to have sly comebacks and smart remarks.

BACK TO THE fight, becca took a step forward, falling right into jaizen's trap. the dark haired girl started tying up her hair so it was out of the way.

"i said, you're an attention seeking slu-"

becca was cut off when jaizen suddenly grabbed her loose hair and pulled it harshly to the side, flinging becca's head in the same direction due to the force. it was like a slap, but without the physical slap part.

the crowd immediately sparked with excitement and suspense, watching becca struggle to get up. multiple people started instigating for becca to hit her back.

monique covered the grin spreading across her face, silently cheering her best friend on. she had never seen this side of jaizen, but she was loving it.

she glanced towards connie m who surprisingly joined the crowd, not wanting to involve herself. monique respected it, although it wouldn't been nice to see her go down like becca.

"you're getting on my fucking nerves." jaizen said, watching becca finally get up and rub her head.

it all happened so quickly; jaizen didn't fail to recognise becca's burning glare towards her, and that only meant one thing: she was going to hit back.

becca lounged towards the dark hair girl with her arms in front of her, ready to tackle jaizen onto the floor. however, jaizen knew better than that. she swiftly moved to the side at the last second, making becca embarrassingly fall to the floor.

the crowd started laughing at becca's failed attempt at fighting. a part of jaizen felt bad, knowing the embarrassment was going to be hard to live with.

but she brought it onto herself.

jaizen and everyone else thought the fight was over due to becca still recovering on the floor and not getting back up. monique went to her side and patted her shoulder, "well that was easy."

that was jaizen's first mistake.

she let down her guard.

unexpectedly, jaizen felt herself being pulled down towards the floor. becca had grabbed her leg and yanked her down next to her sneakily. the crowd gasped and even monique was shocked. "hey, what the fuck?!"

𝟑𝟎𝟎𝟓, pen15Where stories live. Discover now