A day at work

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Lyra's POV:

"Lyra come on. That's it walk to daddy" I try my best to walk towards where my mother and farther are, but I stumble with each step as I look at my small hands in front of me.

My mother picks me up and spins me round in the air. "That's my little baby girl" she smiles at me proudly then kisses my cheek. Both my parents hug me close as I hear a strange beeping sound.

I open my eyes and slam my hand down on my alarm clock. 'Hm just a dream again'. Sitting up I rub my tired eyes. The next thing I know I'm being pushed backwards and licked all over my face. "Hehe... haha... Alright Puggle calm down boy" I laugh trying to get him to stop licking my face. "How about some breakfast hm. Come on" I quickly slip into my work uniform and head to the kitchen in my one floored apartment. Eventhough it has only one floor my apartment has good sized rooms with everything I would ever need.

In the kitchen I place down Puggles bowl full of food, and sit down to have my coffee and toast. I watch in amusement as Puggle wolfs down his food and comes over to me and tries to steal my toast.

(Small time skip till she's at work :3)

"Well everyone lets do our best today. We will open in 5 minutes so get to work" my manager Francis finishes his morning speech to the crew members. 'Right today I'm on greeting duty' I head towards the desk at the entrance of the restaurant to take my position in time for customers to arrive. Since our restaurant is positioned near a few office buildings, we get a lot of customers around lunch time and we get especially busy.

"Welcome to Tortoise and Hare, how can I help you". I grab a pen and my note book to write down their names and which table I will seat them at so that I can give the information to the waiters. "Table for 3 please. Just put down the name as John thank you" I lead him and his friends to table 8 then go back to write down the table number. Once I've written a few names down, I give the piece of paper to one of the waiters so they can start serving the customers.

This process repeats for a few hours until there's only the odd customer left eating then I am switched to cleaning duty with a few of today's waiters. "Hey Lyra how's Puggle doing" my friend Tracy asks as we get started cleaning tables. "He's as hyper as ever Tracy" I giggle wiping down a table. "A handful as ever then I assume. Hey do you want to go to that new dog park when we're off in 2 days? I'll bring my dog Daisy along too so Puggle won't be lonely" I give her a nod and smile. "Sure that sounds like fun. Don't blame me if Puggle tires us out though".

My shift finally ends as the manager begins to lock up. "Bye Tracy I'll see you same time tomorrow" I wave bye to my friend as I head home to my crazy pup.

I buy some of Puggle's favourite treats on the way home and some noodles to eat for my dinner seeing as it's almost 7pm.

As soon as I get home I'm greeted by an excited Puggle. "Did you miss me that much silly boy" I stroke his head and give him a treat before going off to eat my noodles.

I eat my dinner then decide to take a shower before bed. Taking off all my clothes I try not to look at the thing attached to me that's wafting about the place. You see a few days ago this black devil tail appeared out of nowhere. I don't know what to do. I don't know who to tell. I've tried to hide it from my friends at work afraid they will call me a freak... 'I really wish my parents were still with me maybe they would know what it is' I sigh before stepping in the shower to relax.

After forcing my tail to stop moving around I finally get some sleep ready to start the next day. Hopefully this thing will just vanish one day when I wake up.

What did you think ^~^ I know this chapter was a bit slow and didn't really explain much but don't worry I'll get to that in the next few chapters :3 I hope you carry on reading ^_^ and let me know what you think xxx

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