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The image above is Lyra's room at the Sakamaki household :)

Lyra's POV:

I open my heavy eyes to find that I'm laying on a bed in a rather large bedroom. Sitting up I hold my head feeling slightly dizzy. I look towards the bedrooms only window and spot the moon still out. "Ugh where am I?"

The bed next to me dips down as I spot another cute looking guy wearing a hat sit down on the bed next to me. He holds onto the rim of his hat as he looks up towards me. "I thought I smelt something sweet fufu~" I scooch away from him as he tries to lean close. "Who are you and where am I?". He repositions his hat smiling my way. "This is the Sakimaki household, and you are our guest" he begins to say but I rush out the room slamming the door behind me. 'He was creeping me out'.

I take a few steady breaths and start to walk down the hallway but bump into someone yet again. "H-how did you..." the man from before is standing in front of me with the same smirk plastered on his smug face. "Fufu~ I wasn't done talking to you" he says grabbing my wrist so I can't get away.

He seems to then look behind just as the guy with the glasses did before. my eyes widen as I yank my hand away from his grasp in an attempt to try and hide my tail. "What's this? Reiji said that you were different" the man says from behind me bending down and grasping my tail. I let out a small yelp at his touch and pull away from him with a red face. "Huh did that feel good bitch-chan" I just run off in the opposite direction and stand behind a wall hoping he won't find me. 'What was that feeling?'. "Maybe I should find this 'Reiji' guy and see what's going on". 'His name seems familiar somehow'.

I peak around the corner and spot no one so I decide to look more around this huge house to find out why I'm here and where here is.

Just as I'm walking down yet another long corridor I spot a small boy with purple hair crying as he sits on a window ledge. I slowly make my way over to him patting his head softly. "Um are you ok?" I say sweetly. He lifts his head out of his knees while hugging a large teddy bear. Rubbing his eyes he speaks. "It doesn't matter to you!" He half yells then says quietly "Who are you anyway?". Still half surprised at his out burst I sit next to him. "My name is Lyra. Whats yours?" He smiles slightly "Kanato".

I smile back at him and wipe the tears from his eyes with my thumb. Kanato grabs my hand suddenly and licks the top of my wrist. 'Um ok... what's with this kid and the other guy'. I pull away from him and wipe my hand. "What was that for?" He giggles a little. "I'm hungry".

I look at him in confusion before grabbing his hand. "Come on I'll make you something if that will cheer you up. There's got to be a kitchen somewhere in this place".

Kanato stays silent as I drag him around the large building until I eventually spot a room that looks like it should be the kitchen. 'What am I doing? I should be looking for a phone or that Reiji guy instead of looking after a kid' I sigh but smile at him as we enter the large kitchen.

After sifting through the many cupboards I find some bread, and some butter and ham in the fridge. I make a sandwich and bring it over to Kanato, who is sitting on a chair at the table watching me silently.

Before I can place the plate down, he snaps all of a sudden and swats the plate harshly from my hand. The plate smashes and shards go everywhere. "That's not what I wanted! Idiot!" He screams at me. 'What is with this kid?'

"Well... what do you want?" I try to say calmly even though he is scaring me. Before he can say anything a guy with glasses appears at the door. "So this is where you've been. Everyone's waiting so come with me" he announces grabbing my hand and leading me out the kitchen. 'This is the guy from before I'm certain'.

He drags me along to a spacious room with a few chairs and sofas dotted around. On one of the sofas sits Kanato and the guy with the hat from before. Kanato smiles creepily at me while the other guy gives me a wink. There is also someone with red hair slouching on an armchair smiling at me. Another guy with white/pink hair is standing against a wall with his arms crossed. lastly I spot someone with blonde hair layed out on a sofa at the back of the room.

The guy I know now to be Reiji, makes me stand in the middle of the room with him as he begins to speak.

"This is Lyra, she will be staying with us for...awhile" again I give him a look of confusion. "Wait hold on just a minute. No one told me about this! I have a life you know, and my dog is probably wondering where I am" I complain, checking the time on a nearby clock as it reads '2:30am'.

Play the link here :3 xx

"Hm idiot" I hear the blonde guy on the sofa quietly say to himself. I then feel a stinging pain on my lower leg. I check my leg and find a small deep cut. 'Probably from the shattered plate'.

Everyone is now staring at me with a hungry look in their eyes. "Um it's ok I think I have a few plasters back in my bag". The next thing I know the guy with the hat, is bent down next to me. He runs his finger on my leg wiping blood onto it, then brings his finger up to his mouth and licks it.

"W-what are you doing?" He gets up with a face full of lust. "Bitch-chan you taste so sweet. You were right to come here let's get even closer fufu~".

"Oi Laito, yours truly will be her first for everything heh" The other red haired guy says bending down and licking my wound. I suddenly feel someone grab my tail and turn to see the guy in the hat known as Laito with a smirk on his face.

He licks my tail making my face heat up. "S-stop" I say embarrassed at the feeling. I pull my tail away from him and yelp from a sharp sudden pain on my leg. The guy licking my leg is biting me! He stops and gets up with blood running down the corner of his mouth. "I told you yours truly would be your first" he responds looking proud of his work. Gasping I spot two sharp teeth when he speaks to me. My eyes go wide at my discovery.

"Ayato, Laito stop this at once" Reiji demands as the other two back off a little. As soon as they start heading back to their seats I make a break for the corridor. 'What the hell is going on....?'.

Sorry for the long wait but the next chapter is now finished :3 hope you enjoyed it and I tried to make it slightly longer to make up for it being late ^~^ I hope you like it :3 and feel free to comment and vote :P xxx

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