{Exes and Oohs}

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The scene opens with an exterior shot of I.M.P headquarters Cut to the inside of the office with Moxxie and Minnie. Moxxie holds his signature mug, while Minnie Is drinking coffee. Loona is texting on her phone. Moxxie looks around. "You know, I checked the scale today and it said I lost two pounds this week." Moxxie said. "That's nice honey" Minnie said. Loona looks at Moxxie, then rolls her eyes back to her phone, much to his annoyance. "I. Am not. FAT!" Moxxie said. Cut to the front door kicked open by a furious Millie as she stomps around the office, mumbling angrily. "Ooh! Such a fucking asshole! That little motherfucker. I just wanna take my finger up and shove it up his fuckin' little thing!" Millie mumbled angrily. Upon coming up to the table, Millie slams her coffee cup on the table disturbing Loona. Millie then passes Loona and hits a button titled "Nut button!!" that summons a cardboard cutout of a human saying, "Hi! I'm a Hooman!" then throws a knife and lunges at said cutout. Moxxie looks at her, disturbed while Minnie looks startled. "Millie, honey. Is everything okay?" Moxxie asked her. "Yeah you, ok?" Minnie said. Millie hisses back at Moxxie and Minnie in response, disturbing them even more, but she manages to calm down.  "Yeah. Just...bumped into an ex." Millie said as her tail twitched. " Oh! Oh..." Moxxie said. "He just kept going on about how he has money now, "a bright future," and "a bigger cock." Millie said. Minnie shook her head "Now you know that boy doesn't have a big dick, it's just impossible" Minnie said while sipping her coffee. "I guess you're right" Millie said. "Every time I see his stupid face, I can't help it! I just need to—" Millie said. Millie punches the filing cabinet beside her in frustration. Blitzø enters the room on his phone shortly after. "What the fuck is all this noise? I got a client!" Blitzø said. "Sorry Blitzø! we'll get this cleaned up!" Minnie said. Blitzø looked at her and smiled. He always loved her help around here. Minnie holds up a photo of two imps making out in horse suits. "Blitzø what is this?" Minnie asked. "Uh, research! For science! Just put it back correctly, okay? Alphabetize them." Blitzø said as he walked back into his office. "Okay, so let me get this straight: you don't want us going to Earth at all for this job?" Blitzø asked. Cut to the inside of a mansion, with a businessman holding a lit cigar, and his chair facing a green fireplace. "Correct. That will not be necessary. I'd like to meet you and your whole crew at my estate." the client said. "Uh, you want us killing someone in Hell. 'Cause I got to tell ya, that ain't exactly our business anymore." Blitzø said. "I'll tell ya all about it when you get here It's regarding a business venture, I'm sure will be very worth your time" the client said. "Ooh, how ominous" Blitzø chuckled. "Fine, whatever, what's the address?" Blitzø asked. "Transportation has already been taken care of." The client said. Blitzø peeks through the office blinds and notices a helicopter in front of his building. He runs to the office Moxxie, Minnie and Millie are in to find the helicopter before the main window. "What the fuck is that?" Blitzø asked. The helicopter shoots a grappling hook under the window, breaking the wall. Loona looks on without a word. "Satan's ass crack! Enough with the walls shit, we have a door!" Blitzø said. With the damaged walls, a wind gusts through the office and distributes all the photos Blitzø had been saving across the town. "My research!" Blitzø yelled. Two imp children grab one of the photos and are visibly disgusted; one is crying, and the other is vomiting from the result. The helicopter approaches Blitzø, creating a bridge for them to walk upon, and the pilot steps out. "I.M.P? Right this way, please!" The pilot said. "Uh, sir?" Moxxie said. Moxxie points a gun toward the pilot, while Millie holds her knife out. "What's going on?" Moxxie asked. "Now, don't worry! It's just some fancy shmuck from Greed wanting to do business with us." Blitzø said. Blitzø, Moxxie, Minnie and Millie walk toward the helicopter. Minnie is visibly uncomfortable because of the height. "Uh, sir? I don't think this is a good idea." Moxxie said. "It'll be fine. Now, get your asses moving." Blitzø said as he pushed the three onto the Helicopter. Millie tries to buckle herself in, Millie notices her seatbelt is broken. "Is this thing safe?" Millie asked. "Don't worry, we are professionals!" the Pilot said. The pilots proceed to take out a huge chunk of a wall as they fly off. Later, the same helicopter is seen flying out of a hanger in the Greed Ring as they fly over Loo Loo Land which is going under reconstruction, along with other carnage as they fly over a sign reading, "Welcome to Notamafia Town: No mafia here! We're Mafia-free!" Minnie read the sign. "Now that's a load of bullshit!" Minnie said, she looked down and clinged onto Blitzø's arm "I hate this place." Moxxie said. "Oh, yeah. This is your old stomping ground, isn't it, Mox?" Blitzø said. "Yeah, unfortunately. I grew up just over there" Moxxie said as he pointed through the glass. "swore I'd never come back, and— uh uh— what— what, where are we going?" Moxxie asked. The helicopter starts changing direction, as Moxxie grows more and more anxious. "What— Blitzø, who did you say this meeting was with?" Moxxie asked. "I'm not sure, just some rich somebody or other who wants to do biz at his place." Blitzø said. The helicopter finally lands, and Moxxie grows heavily worried after realizing where he's landed. "Finally!" Minnie said. She got out of the copter and sighed happily. "Oh, no, no! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!" Moxxie said. The place in question is revealed to be a huge mansion, dark smoke fuming through both chimneys. Moxxie shivers in fear of the place, as Blitzø shoves him to move forward. "There he is!" The client said. The client moves out the doorway, being visible on screen. "There's my boy! Get over here and give your daddy a hug!" The client said. "Daddy?" Blitzø and Millie both say. "The actual fuck?" Minnie said. "I only let Moxxie call me that unless you pay me!" The client said. "Guys, um, this is my father, Crimson. Sir, this is my boss, Blitzø. And my lovers--" Moxxie began. "Minnie and Millie!" The girls both say. Millie and Minnie both take their hands to greet Crimson as he accepts. "And what beautiful girls you are." Crimson said as he kissed their hand one at a time. "Mox, where have you been hiding these pretty girls?" Crimson said. "Oh, I'm sure he would've introduced us eventually." Millie said while Minnie nodded. "Oh, I'm sure. You got to be Blitzø, with the silent "o", right? I've heard a lot of good things about you and your work." Crimson said to Blitzø. "Really?" Blitzø said. "What kind of shit has Moxxie been spreading about me? I'll fucking kill you Moxxie, don't you fucking test me!" Blitzø said. "No, no! From all over. Looks like you're building a name for yourself here, kid." Crimson said. "Really?" Blitzø said. "Well, I guess it's about time folks recognized my talent." Blitzø said. "I like your attitude. Well, I hope you're all hungry. We put together a fabulous dinner for you." Crimson said. "Food?! I'm fuckin in!" Minnie said as she ran in mansion. Blitzø walked in the mansion. "Hey, baby. Why haven't I met your Pa before?" Millie asked Moxxie. "Well uh, y'know, i-it's just, never been a—" Moxxie began. "Hey! You two, move it before it gets cold." Crimson said. "Look, look, Millie, w-we can talk about it later." Moxxie said. Millie takes Moxxie's hand, and both enter the house. Crimson's smile fades then he snaps his fingers and enters the house. The two men standing at the door follow him inside, closing the door behind them. Inside, Crimson prepares a drink for Blitzø. "So, Blitzø, ya always been a hitman?" Crimson asked. "No, no, not always. Yeah, I was in the circus for a long time." Blitzø said. "Show business! Good money in that." Crimson said as he sits down. Everyone sits in the room in an awkward silence. "well, I'mma go get some air." Minnie said as she walked outside. She called her sister. "Hello?" Suzie said into the phone. "SIS HELP!" Minnie said. "Woah woah! calm down!" Suzie said. "what's going on?" Suzie asked. "I'm at a fuckin businessman's house and he's givin me the creeps" Minnie said. "Alright, um I can go to the house and find you guys there, um what's the location?" Suzie asked. "Notamafia Town the Greed ring" Minnie said. "Alright, it'll take me some time to get there but I'll see you soon" Suzie said. "alright" Minnie said as she hanged up and walked back inside, she sits down beside Moxxie. "Everything okay sweetie?" Moxxie asked Minnie. "Yeah, everything's fine." Minnie said as she glared at Crimson. Minnie noticed the shark dude. "Who the fuck is that--" Minnie asked. "Chaz is the name sweet cheeks" Chaz said while winking at Minnie. Minnie looked flabbergasted. "Dinner is served." the maid said. Everyone is seated in the dining room. Millie is viciously cutting through her food and glaring at Chaz, but the room is completely silent. "So, this is aggressively uncomfortable." Blitzø said. "Tell me about it." Minnie said while she cuts her food. "I suppose you want to know why you're here." Crimson said. "Yeah, so what gives? You know we kill people on Earth, right? We don't usually do contracts for locals. So, if you want to do business with us, you got to—" Blitzø  began. " I don't want to do business with I-M-P, I want to do business with Moxxie." Crimson said. Moxxie stops cutting his food. "ME?!" Moxxie said. "Yeah, kid. I only summoned I.M.P to be sure you'd show. Because, well, we're bringin' Chaz into the family." Crimson said. Minnie looked at Crimson. Chaz smirks while raising his eyebrows. "What? Since when can anyone join the family?" Moxxie asked. "Come on, Mox. You had responsibilities here that I had to pick up once you left. Now Chaz is going to lighten the load." Crimson said. "Wait, I thought you always hated his guts." Moxxie said. "Well, I didn't exactly 'hated' him." Crimson said. "You called him a "friendless horse-fucker" and said he lived a "sissy lifestyle"." Moxxie said. "Yeah, well, I was wrong. You've been gone a long time, Mox. A man can change. And so has Chaz." Crimson said. "Yeah. I've grown, matured, and, recently, came into millions! But, y'know, mostly the "mature" thing." Chaz said. "Oh, okay, okay. So, the "horseless friend-fucker" over here gets a little moolah and suddenly, it's worth wasting our time over?" Blitzø said. "Well, I'm the whole "package" if you know what I mean." Chaz said. I.M.P is speechless. "I got a big dick." Chaz said with confidence. it was quiet for a while. "No, the fuck you don't" Minnie said with confidence. Chaz looked at her. "Wanna see it?" Chaz asked her. "What the fuck? god no!" Minnie said. Chaz shrugged. "Suit yourself" Chaz said. Minnie rolled her eyes. "I'm going to bed" Minnie said. She grabbed Blitzø and dragged him up the stairs. "Bitch! let me go now!" Blitzø said. Minnie rolled her eyes. Millie goes upstairs. Moxxie walks up the stairs, shaken and Millie is standing at her bedroom door. A goon gestures for Moxxie to go into a different room. "Wait? How come we aren't in-" Millie began. "Crimson wants you all to stay in separate rooms." Alessio said. "I'm sorry, I get nightmares by myself and plus all of us will get worried about Moxxie and not going to sleep so we're sharing rooms and if you don't let us, I'll just call my friend and he'll deal with this" Minnie threatened, Alessio shook. "O-Okay, you guys can share 2 to a room" Alessio said while walking away, frightened. "Only 2?" Millie said. "I'll have to sleep in Blitzø's room then" Minnie said. "Noo!" Millie and Moxxie both say hugging her. "At least you guys are together" Minnie said. "Yeah, you're right" Moxxie said. "I'll see you guys tomorrow" Minnie said, giving them a kiss and walking towards Blitzø's room. Millie and Moxxie both walk into their room and close the door. Minnie feels uncomfortable and a bit scared. She knocks on Blitzø's door. he answers it. "Oh hey Min! what's up?" Blitzø said. "Um, we can share rooms but it's 2 to a room." Minnie said. "And you just had to come to my room?" Blitzø asked. "Well, I didn't want to be alone and plus Millie and Moxxie are together right now!" Minnie said. Blitzø sighed. "Fine" Blitzø said and let her in. He closed the door and stretched. "Well, uh you can have the left side of the bed and I'll have the right side" Blitzø said. Minnie nodded. she walks into the bathroom and closes the door. She washes her face and digs through her purse and grabs her nightgown. she changes into her nightgown and walks out of the bathroom. She sees Blitzø in the bed, facing away from her. She gets into bed and faces away from Blitzø, eventually falling asleep. Then a few hours later there was a knock on the door. Blitzø wakes up, he sees Minnie laying on top of him sleeping soundly. He blushed and slowly pushed her off of him, without waking her up. He gets out of the bed and walks toward the door, He opens the door and sees Chaz. "Hey there, good-looking" Chaz said. "Oh, I was wondering how long it would take you to make a pass." Blitzø said. "Oh, does that mean you're down to clown?" Chaz asked Blitzø. "Ew, what the- Do you think I would violate my friend's trust by sleeping with their ex, especially one who fucked them over the way you did?" Blitzø said. Minnie woke up she heard their conversation. she grabbed her phone and ran into the bathroom. She locked the door. "I'll show you all of the things they liked in the sack." Chaz said. Blitzø thought about it, He looks into the room and sees Minnie gone. He looked back at Chaz and shrugged "Deal!" Blitzø said as he pulled Chaz into the room. Minnie heard all of it. she was disturbed. "Augh... chill the fuck out!" Blitzø said as he groaned out of pain. "Who-ho-ho! That's what my dick does to a bitch!" Chaz said. Minnie stayed quiet, she tried not to vomit or gag. We cut to Moxxie in his room with Millie. Moxxie turns onto his stomach and pulls out his phone. He goes on to his social media and looks at pictures of himself and Millie, they show: a younger Moxxie and Millie on a date; Moxxie and Millie in bed; Moxxie and Millie at the theatre holding up Phantom of the Opera programs, Moxxie has tears in his eyes indicating how much he loved the performance, and Moxxie and Millie at their wedding, kissing. Moxxie starts to cry again, he then growls knowing that he must stand up to his father. We cut back to Blitzø and Chaz in bed. Chaz is asleep and snoring. Chaz started sleeptalking. "Oh, I got a big dick" Chaz said while sleeptalking. Blitzø tiptoes out of bed, picks up Chaz's jacket, and puts it on. "Okay, fucker, nobody who's that bad in bed can score two hotties that easily. I know you gotta be hiding something..." Blitzø said. Minnie unlocks the door. while she was in the bathroom, she changed into her everyday clothes. Blitzø sees her. "I'm sorry you had to hear all that Min" Blitzø said. "It's okay Blitzø" Minnie said. Blitzø and Minnie check Chaz's clothing until Blitzø finds his car keys. They both smirk at each other and sneak outside the mansion. Blitzø clicks the car keys until he locates Chaz's car. Blitzø and Minnie walk towards Chaz's car. they look in the dashboard and finds an eviction notice, showing that Chaz is broke and has lied to Crimson about his millions. Blitzø then looks in the trunk and finds a to-do list that shows that Chaz is planning to marry Moxxie to inherit the Knowlastname's family fortune. "Minnie come look at this" Blitzø said. Minnie walks toward the trunk and looks at the to-do list. "He's planning to marry Moxxie?! Not on my watch!" Minnie said. Minnie gets tranquilized so does Blitzø. They both fall into the trunk, Chaz closes the trunk door. The next next day. Alessio is filling Crimson's mug with coffee. Chaz goes to sit in a seat with another filled mug of coffee, but Crimson gestures him to sit at the other side of the table. Moxxie and Millie walk in. "Hey, hey! The man of the hour. You ready to get started?" Crimson said. "Wait, where's Blitzø?" Millie asked. "And where's Minnie?" Moxxie asked. "I think I saw them head outside they were saying something about getting fresh air or something. pfft." Chaz said. "Why don't you grab them so we can get moving?" Crimson said. "Be right back, baby." Millie said. She kisses Moxxie on the cheek and leaves. "What ya looking so glum for, kid? It's your wedding day, the best day of ya life." Crimson said. "I'm not doing it." Moxxie said. "What was that? I couldn't make it out over the sound of you being a whiny bitch." Crimson said "I said I'm not doing it, sir. I've spent my whole life being afraid of you, but I'm not giving up the only good thing I've ever had just so you can keep your fragile little sense of control over everything. Millie and Minnie are good women, better women than I deserve, and there's nothing that scares me more than hurting them. Not even you. I'm leaving, Dad! And if you or Herpes the Clown over here—" Moxxie said. "Hey!" Chaz said. "Try to stop me, you'll learn firsthand just how good I've gotten at my job." Moxxie said. Moxxie is face-to-face with Crimson now. Alessio comes from behind him and tases Moxxie in the neck. Moxxie groans and falls forward unconscious. He hits his head on the table and then falls to the floor. "Now, take care of the others." Crimson said. The scene cuts to Millie searching the carpark outside Crimson's mansion, confused and worried as she hasn't found Blitzø and Minnie. She hears a bang coming from Chaz's trunk and opens it with her knife to see Blitzø and Minnie dazed inside, still a little out of it. "Millieeeeeeeee!!!!" Minnie squealed as she fell out the trunk. "Minnie!" Millie said as she hugged Minnie. "Millieeeee who's your friend?" Minnie asked. "Friend?" Millie said confused. She senses two goons attempting to grab her. She stabs one with her knife and beheads the other using the trunk door. The scene cuts to the back garden where a makeshift wedding is set up. Crim has Moxxie in a wedding dress with his hands bound behind his back with rope and his mouth gagged with duct tape. "Is everyone here?" Elder Jaws said. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, don't worry about it. Let's get this thing rolling, ey?" Crimson said. "Mmmph!" Moxxie muffled. "Awww, you told me all the chairs would be filled!" Chaz said. Crimson sighs and presses a button which causes dildos with smiley faces in tuxedos to pop out of all of the seats, including the two that has goons sitting on them. "Satisfied?" Crimson said. "Oh, fuck yes!" Chaz said. Cut back to the car park. Millie pulls Blitzø out of the trunk, holding him up to support him. "What's goin' on?" Millie asked. "That horse fucker is trying to marry Moxxie, and he's not even rich!" Minnie said. "Moxxie!" Millie said panicked. Millie and Minnie run to the front door. Suddenly metal shutters block off all doors and exit the house, including the front gate to the estate. We cut back to the wedding. "Do you, Chazwick Thurman, take Moxxie Knolastname to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Elder Jaws said. "No! No! No! Let me go! Please let me go!" Moxxie said but it was muffled. "Oh, yeah." Chaz said. "And do you, Moxxie... whatever, take Chazwick Thurman to be your lawfully wedded-- Uh..." Elder jaws began. "Millie! Minnie!" Moxxie said muffled. Moxxie tries to pull away and almost escapes until Crimson pulls him back. Crimson forces Moxxie to face the priest and forcibly nods his head. "Look at that! He's just so fucking happy to be here!" Crimson said. Back outside. "Everything's locked down! How are we gonna get in?" Millie said. Blitzø feels around the jacket until he finds Chaz's keys. He grabs Millie and Minnie and pulls them to the car and opens the door to climb in the driver's seat. Millie then goes into the passenger seat. Minnie goes into the backseat. Blitzø turns the car and its radio on, which begins to immediately play Loo Loo Land on the Mammon Channel™, to which he stops putting his seat belt on to find a different song, which then cycles to Station 69 which is playing Vacay to Bonetown. "ugh cringe" Minnie said. Blitzø keeps changing the channel until he gets to Wrath's #1 "F*ck you up" Hits, which begins to play. "Holdin' out for a hero". "Buckle up, girls... we're doing a Shrek" Blitzø said. "Oh, hell yeah!" Minnie happily said. Blitzø crashes the car through the wall to the wedding scene and steps out dazed. "I object!" Blitzø said as he faceplanted on the ground. "You want Moxxie," Minnie said. "you're going to have to fucking kill us!" The girls both say. Crimson groans and snaps his fingers, ordering his goons to kill Millie and Minnie. The goons all stand up to face her and Millie and Minnie lunges toward them. they both begin slaughtering the goons with ease, tearing out the skull, jaw, and spinal column of different goons. Minnie spits out the still-beating heart of another goon. Millie then begins fighting off four other goons with her knife. "What the FUCK? She's a dame!" Crimson said. He spots a goon hanging from the altar in a noose made from another's intestines and throws him towards Minnie. "She's a BROAD! Kill her!" Crimson said. He sees the goon he just threw at Minnie get chopped into bits of sushi before another goon thrown by her lands on top of him. the girls continue their rampage and impales several goons on the dildo poles. "You frigging goons! What the fuck is the matter with you? Why do I pay you!? Get her! You stupid idiots! Go get 'er!" Crimson said. Millie kicks a dildo into a goon's gun, blocking the barrel and causing it to explode. After impaling another goon, she gets knocked with a chair and goes flying into the cracked windshield of Chaz's car. Blitzø yells and takes a poor swing at hitting the goon before Millie recovers and beats a goon with a gas can. Minnie is slaughtering the rest of the goons. Millie then uses Blitzø as a saber, slicing an incoming goon apart with the latter's horns and takes the goon's pistol, and detonates the goon holding the gas can. The priest puts his book down and puts both his hands up and quickly leaves, flipping off everyone still alive. One of the few surviving goons get elbow dropped in the skull by Minnie, killing the goon who was placed inside the former's jaws. Millie ties the goon up behind Chaz's car and gets dragged throughout the venue before Millie brings the car to a halt, crushing the goon's skull. Minnie flies over to Millie, Minnie grabs the goon and snaps the goon's neck. As Millie leaves the car and angrily approaches the alter a goon tries to suckerpunch her, but Millie knocks him out. She whips her tail and glares daggers at Crimson, who begrudgingly allows her to take Moxxie. She grabs Moxxie and hoists him over her shoulder. Minnie glares at Chaz. "Hey! What about my—?!" Chaz began but Minnie shoves a dildo down his throat. "finally you can shut the fuck up!" Minnie said. "This ass is MINE!" Millie said. She slaps Moxxie's rear, causing him to blush slightly. "By the way, y'all should probably know, Chaz isn't even rich, okay? Check his car, he just played you like a fucking rube. Later, losers!" Blitzø said as he flipped them the bird. I.M.P hop the destroyed fence and takes a waiting helicopter while throwing Chaz's car keys on the ground. The helicopter flies away with a banner saying "WE'RE Married BITCH" over the original words "Got Married" using blood and extra taped fabric. While Chaz is trying to dislodge the dildo, Crimson slowly turns to glare at him. Chaz pulls the dildo out of his mouth and sees an angry crimson glaring at him, nervously shrugging. "Ehh...heh, heh, heh" Chaz nervously laughed. Cut back to I.M.P where the helicopter arrives; Loona not having moved an inch from her chair, quickly glances at the camera, and gives an angry shrug. Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, and Minnie disembark the helicopter, which quickly crashes. Moxxie hugs Millie and Minnie. "Thank you, girls, for saving me, you two are amazing" Moxxie said. "Next time, just tell me if your dad is a psychopath - we can handle it." Millie said. Minnie puts a hand on Millie's shoulder. "Well, I'm glad everything ended up okay. Good to know we both have daddy issues, Mox." Blitzø said as he ruffled Moxxie's hair. "Also, I got to plow your ex-boyfriend; isn't that great? Now we ALL fucked the same guy." Blitzø said as he hugged all three of them tightly. "Not everyone fucked Chaz Blitzø" Minnie said. "Oh right, you hate the bitch" Blitzø said. Scene cuts back to Crimson's mansion. Where the mafia boss goes into the dining room where his trophy wall is located and places the torn-out jaw of Chaz, implying that he ordered the latter's death for lying to him. Crimson then growls and throws a dagger at his family portrait, the knife landing squarely on a young Moxxie's forehead.

Bitter Memories. (Millie x Moxxie x OC Cuz why not)Where stories live. Discover now