one; hibiscus flowers

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SUMMER WAS GEMMA'S FAVORITE SEASON. Her mother always made it the best, especially at their beach house. Ever since she could remember she spent every summer at their beach house. She and her mother, Susannah, hand-picked everything to make it their home. An escape from the bad.

The two Fisher women would come down to the beach house a couple of days before Gemma's brothers and Conklin's came down. They'd take those days to restock the house and clean everything beforehand. The finishing touches were the day everyone else came down.

Which led to them walking down the main street, pinkies interlocked and smiles on their faces. The warm sun beaconed on her face as she passed by families. Their dirty blonde hair danced along their back as salty air rushed through. Though they didn't allow it to get knotted as they walked through a local flower shop.

"G, could you try and find some lilies?" Susannah smiled as they let go of their pinkies.

"Of course, and I'll look for some peonies as well," Gemma pointed before turning to the other side of the flower shop.

Her nose inhaled all the colorful scents with a soft smile ghosting over her features. Her eyes lit up as they landed on hibiscus' in a basket. Her hand hovered over and picked up the flower.

"That's my favorite flower," A boy spoke from behind her, a basket of various flowers in his hands. He then added some flowers to his basket

"Mine, too," She nodded as she turned to face the boy.

He looked around her age and had a light smile tracing his features. His hair was short and curly. His skin was golden brown and matched his eyes well.

As she took in his features he took in hers. Her blonde hair hit mid back, curled slightly. Her cheeks were coated with a light hue of pink from the sun. She had a sandy color complexion. She's pretty, he thought.

"I'm Cameron," He stuck his hand out for the girl to shake.

"Gemma," She smiled as she softly took his warm hand in her cold hand. The boy shivered at the shock of coolness making her smile. She looked around to spot any lilies before her eyes landed on her mother's, a small smirk playing through her eyes. "I should get back to my mom."

"I should to get back to my mom, not yours obviously," He nervously stuttered before trying to compose himself. "But I hope I see you around."

She gave a slight wave as he walked away with a smile grazing his lips.

Her mom came over a few seconds after with a devious smirk. Her arm crossed her line of view to grab lilies.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Gemma quizzed as her mother's hip bumped hers.

"He seemed like he was sweet, did you get his number?" She questioned as they walked to the register where Cameron and his mother were leaving. The younger blonde shook her head making Susannah scoff. "You should've, plus it didn't seem like he had a girlfriend."

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