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*At Firehouse 51: Nighttime*

Leslie walked out of the Bunk Room just as Ana and Kelly happened to be walking by.

"Hey, uh, listen, I need-"

"Hey, have I thanked you lately for opening your trap about Renee? Because she's currently in a psych ward." The Lieutenant snapped, interrupting her in the process.

"Kelly, she needs help." The blonde pointed out, walking fowards and turning to face her best friend. "How fun do you think this is for her?"

"Yeah." He shook his head. "What did you want to talk about?"

The bell, having the worst timing in the world, went off before the paramedic could respond.

"Ambulance 61. Person down, Michigan and Upper Wacker."

"Tell you later." She muttered, rushing off towards the Apparatus Floor.

Kelly was about to start moving again but this time Ana's voice had him rooted in place.

"You never told me you contacted Renee." The brunette frowned in confusion.

"Didn't want you to feel awkward." He replied with a small smile.

"Well, thank you for that." The Captain chuckled, warmly, and shrugged. "But I understand. You're just helping an old friend."

Kelly's smile widened and he wrapped an arm around her before continuing on towards the Common Room.

*A Few Hours Later*

"Hey, Lieutenant, I was hoping to ask you a question." Peter called as Kelly walked over to the Kitchen Area and grabbed a plastic container. "Um, I was looking at the list of upcoming classes at the academy, and I'm- I'm trying to figure out which ones to take to, if possible, make a move to Squad?"

The older man poured himself a bowl of cereal and popped some of it into his mouth before looking back up at the younger.

"Let me eat my corn flakes first." He mumbled through his chews.

"Yeah. Yeah, sure." The Candidate nodded.

Ana held back a laugh as her husband sat down in front of her at the round table. He just shot her a look before shoveling a spoonful of cereal into his mouth. The couple looked back up, however, as Chief suddenly walked in with the house's two paramedics on either side of him. He exchanged a few words with them before heading towards his Office. Leslie just swallowed before rushing off in the other direction while Gabby stepped into the Common Room and let out a breath.

"What's wrong with her?" Kelly frowned, concerned.

"Needle stick." Gabby sighed in response.

"Aw." Mouch groaned, throwing his head back on the couch. "Was he sick?"

"Yellow, track marks, and he didn't agree to a blood panel." The PIC muttered.

The Lieutenant and the Captain shared one look before shooting out of their seats and racing after their roommate. They found her sitting on one of the benches in the Locker Room with her head in her hands. The blonde looked up as they sat down in front of her and started rambling a bit. She had a right to as well.

". . .Even if it's just Hep-C, it's, you know, 80% of infections are chronic, and, um, I'd be on disability for months, and if Daniel's lawyer finds out. . ." Leslie trailed off with a sniffle.

"You're getting ahead of yourself." Kelly pointed out, gently.

"Wait for the test to come back." Ana agreed with a small shrug.

"Yeah." The paramedic whispered, swallowing thickly. "Um,  the lawyer said that living with you two isn't normal enough. So I have to move out. I'm sorry."

"You do whatever it takes to keep you, Clarice, and that baby together." The Lieutenant murmured, vehemently.

"Yeah, we got your back." The Captain nodded, softly.

"Thanks." Leslie sniffled.

A/N The writer's block is extremely strong with this one too. I, for the life of me, could not come up with anything more for this episode.

My apologies for the super short chapter but I hope you all enjoyed despite it's length. Hopefully, I'll have a much longer one out on Thursday. Till then!

~Princess <3

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