« First put your feets like this... » James explained kneeling down to position my feet. He looked up at me. Something in me was brewing almost like a storm.
« And you hands like this... » He took my hands and folded them in place. His touch sended...
"So who is our victim tonight ?" I asked Zemo who was sitting in the large chair infront of me in the private jet.
"Sergio Dulik."
"What did this poor soul do ?" Sometimes I almost felt bad for their certain death. But it wasn't my role to care about the targets.I had to carry out the mission no matter what.
"Dipped into the cocain stach he was supposed to sell."
"Cocain ? You guys do cocain too ?" I asked surprised. Nothing should shock me anymore with the Zemo empire. His father was involved everywhere and just rutheless.
"Trust me. My father does everything that can make him richer." He grinned. I grinned back.
"But that's it ? I mean he is he dangerous at least? Because this feels like a small and unimportant mission. Why is he sending us ?" I asked him. I was Baron Helmut Zemo special force. My powers were wasted here.
I could feel my something in my guts wanting to manipulate the elements.
"Well Mister Dulik is working in a night club. So if the job is done sloppy there would be too many witnesses. And..."
"And what ?" I asked crossing my arms. He wasn't telling me everything.
"I thought it could be a nice for us to relax for a bit. To have time just for us." Karl said leaning forward.
"If your father finds out about us we are dead." I reminded him.
He rolled with his eyes.
"We are almost here. You should get dressed." He said.
"What's wrong with my clothes ?" I asked. "My black jumpsuit is discrete."
"But not discrete enough." He pointed to duffle bag under a seat.
With the flick of my wrist, I made a small breeze of air lift the bag to my hands. And the I went into the bathroom to change into the clothes that Zemo packed for me.
"And remember we need to kill him discretly. So no fire tonight."
"Ow." I groaned. I loved my fire. It was the easiest to conjure, always there for me. I don't quite remember but I think it was the first element that I could control.
I pulled out a black dress and high heels. "Karl are you serious ?!" I screamed.
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"It's a night club princezná." princess. He laughed. Despite everything I put the dress on. I looked quite... good. I don't remember when it was the last time that I wore something like this.
I opened the bathroom door. Karl was waiting for me. He pulled me closer to him, putting his hands on my waist. I grinned.
"I am so into to you." He pressed a kiss into my smile.
"Let's get it over quickly with this mission and then..."
"And then what ?" He asked, his eyes brightened.
But in this moment the pilot informed us that we were landing. Zemo handed me a pair of earpieces so we could communicate.
We got off the plane and walked towards the night club.
"You lure him outside behind the club and I will be waiting for you here."
I clenched my jaw. Despite my super powers, despite the fact that I could suck the air out of him, that i could pierce him with ice daggers, that I could burn him to ashes or that I could fling him around with vines, despite all that I was always a woman first. And my body would be always more interesting then everything else.
"You made me dress like this for you or for him ?" I asked angrily. I was better then this.
"Miláčik..." Sweetheart.
"No. No miláčik." I said annoyed, going into the nightclub without turning around.
I looked angrily around for Sergio Dulik. I found him quite easily in the VIP lounge, drunk, shouting and surrounded by three girls. Men disgust me. I walked hastily towards him and accidentaly bumped into another girl.
"I am sorry." I apologized. Act like a drunk girl, I thought.
She looked up and down at me.
"Marie..." She said under her breath.
Her black hair, this distinct mole on her left cheek... She seemed so familiar yet I didn't remembered her. I got a sudden headache.
"Lachapelle." I heard Karl's voice in my earpiece.
"Do we know eachother ?" I asked the young woman.
Without an answer the girl walked in the away. Weird. I shook my head. I hestitated. Should I run after her ? Or should I carry on with the mission ?
"Marie ?" Karl asked a second time.
I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yeah what's wrong ?" What was I thinking ? I was trained to follow orders and to be obedient.
"You need to hurry. I think we have company."
And so I did. I walked confidently towards his lounge. It was so easy to convince him to follow me. Men are so easy, I thought. Like planned I lured him outside.
When he leaned in to kiss me, Zemo pulled him back and shooted a bullet into his head.
"Burn the body and let's go." Karl said grabbing my arm.
"But you said no fire..."
"Well thereis a change of plans. Like I told you, we have company."
"Since when does company scare you ?" I asked. What was wrong ? He loved when our missions got dangerous.
"We aren't prepared for this. Let's just go !" He said hurring.
"Weren't you waiting for us ?" asked a figure in front of us. I guess he was the company. Therewas on only way out of this dead end street and it was through him.
I smiled lighting up the palm of my hands with my blue fire. My hottest and most dangerous fire.
His eyes and chest light up blue. Tony Stark, I thought.
"So you are the element girl. We shouldfind you a better name." He said.
"How about Tony Stark's killer ?" I answered.
"I like you already." He said laughing.
"Where is the rest of you ?" Karl asked condescending.
"Well they are looking for Mister Dulik, but I guess it's not necessary anymore." He pointed to his dead body behind us.
Two other figures appeared next to Stark. It was Captain America and the black haired girl from the club.
I looked at Zemo. We nodded descretly at eachother and without a warning we started attacking them. Zemo fired bullets at Captain America while I was firering my fire at Stark. He countered them all with his blasts.
I knew his fighting style. Baron Zemo made me study the avengers. I probably knew more about them then about my parents.
I got a headache thinking about them.
Why wasn't he attacking me ? He was on defense. He never fighted on defense. Or maybe he didn't wanted to kill me ? Maybe he was just distracting...
I felt hands grabing the sides of my head. Invisible hands leaving a red trace broke violently into my head.
"Marie !" screamed Karl. "Miláčik !"
I tried to fight it but I couldn't move. And suddently I fell asleep.