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You've been told by many people, friends and family members, that you should just give up on her, that you're too hopelessly in love. You spend all your nights awake, thinking of her, wondering if she could ever love you back, desperately wanting, wishing she would notice you.

She is in many of your classes but never had the courage to go up and speak to her, you're afraid of her, let's admit it, she's not the friendliest but that didn't stop you, just something about made your heart flutter. You would do anything for this girl but getting her to notice you is like being blindfolded, she can't see, maybe she is choosing not too, which in that case, I think you would cry.

All you want is for her to love you but she will never know how you feel if we don't speak to her.

Which is what you tried to do one morning after the second class. She was sat two seats in front of you and all you could think about was how nice she looked, how perfect her braids were.

"Y/n" The professor called out

You shook your head and blinked a few times "yes sorry" you said quietly before looking down at your lap.

"Are you listening to my class?" He asks sternly

You look up before stuttering out your answer "I- i um yes, I was"

He raised his eyebrow before mouthing "pay attention" then carrying on with the rest of the class.

Later after class, your walking down the hallway, looking at the ground and dragging your feet along when you bump into someone, making the interaction drop all of your class books.

"Nexttime you walk into someone at least look at where your going" the person grumbled at you.

You bend down to pick up all your books in a hurry. "I'm so sorr-" you're about to say before you look up to see that the person you bumped into was indeed the one person you didn't want to bump into.

"Wednesday" you say with wide eyes
As you look at her up and down, blinking slowly.

She rolls her eyes "yes that's me, are you even going to apologise?" She says with frustration.

You shake your head and blink once more before saying "yes yes, I'm so sorry, it was a complete accident and your right I should've been looking where I was going" you rambled

Wednesday crosses her arms "I guess apology accepted now if you don't mind, I have somewhere to be" she says bitterly before unfolding her arms and readjusting her backpack.

"Okay cool, do you think you have a 10 minutes? There's something I need to tell you" you say nervously as you play with a page on one of the books in your arms.

She furrows her eyebrows together as she scowls at you "not right now, I have to get going, is it important? She asks.

You swallow your words, desperately trying to get them out before she walks away "y-ye-yes it- it is important" you manage to get out quickly.

She nods at you "okay well, I'm free at 7 pm, if it's important, I'll be in the library" she says in her usual monotone voice before speed walking away through the hallway to wherever she was off too.

You stand there, thinking about what just happened, trying to take it all in. "Did she actually just say that? Oh my god I can't meet her there, I'll make a fool of myself, a lovefool, she already thinks I'm annoying and weird after that interaction" you say in your head, going back and forth, fighting with yourself, wondering how tonight will go, you think to yourself if Enid will help you out.

You rush off to go find Enid so she can help you, give you advice. But tonight could go two ways, either way you're going to end up in tears. God you just love her so much and yet she still doesn't have any idea the love you hold for her. How badly you want to be with her, you don't care about anything but her...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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