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Egon Spengler wasn't typically a man for subtlety. Clear, direct lines of questioning provided the most accurate results. Leave nothing open to the subject's own interpretation. He needed objectivity, not subjectivity. That being said, he was about to ask a question that he never thought he'd be asking in the name of science. He shifted slightly and cleared his throat.

"I theorize that someone prone to hyper-libidinous states in their REM cycles can carry them into their conscious moments. I once studied Sigmund Freud's Dream Interpretations in one of my undergrad Psych courses that I was taking with Venkman. Freud theorized that a dream is merely a fulfillment of a wish. More specifically, a prohibited wish. We want that which we cannot have. I am offering to give this to you. I'm extremely curious as to the effects this will have both on our sample and on you, from a psychological point of view. I may even go back to my research from college and finish it if the findings are what I anticipate!"

You are aware that you're now staring slack-jawed at Egon, your exhausted mind taking a few seconds longer than it usually would to piece together what he was actually saying. 

"Dr. Spengler...I'm still not fully awake. Would you mind repeating that in simpler terms? I'm not sure I understand what you're actually telling me."

You swore that a slight blush was creeping up Egon's neck. 

"Well," he said, looking down quickly at his notes, "If you would allow me to take care of your wish of being chastened, subserviated...I believe we will note both an extreme response in our sample as well as in yourself. I may even be able to go back to my older college study and record the findings there as well. It's a unique opportunity that we may not get again. Would you be willing to trust me with this?"

If you had been shocked earlier, that was NOTHING compared to what you were feeling now! 

You were even more mortified to feel a familiar ache building in your core at his words alone. 

Egon noted your increased breath rate. 

You should be outraged, insulted, disgusted....anything other than what you found yourself feeling: completely and utterly aroused. Aroused more than you had ever felt in your life. What was wrong with you?! You couldn't be seriously considering doing this! 

But you looked at his austere face. He wasn't trying to mess with you. He wasn't trying to get into your pants. He actually wanted to do this for science...

...and it turned you on even more! Was this really happening?

Egon watched, intrigued, as you battled with your inner thoughts. He could see it taking place in your facial expressions. 

"I'd assess there is a 79% chance she'll agree," he thought to himself. Those were better odds than most of his subjects offered him. 

When you finally found your voice, you decided to keep things "professional".

"But Egon, if I know it's a test, I don't think the results would feel genuine. How would this work...if I agreed? And won't Peter and Ray be getting back soon?" you said, a mild tremor in your voice. 

Egon had already considered this, of course. 

"Oh, we won't be testing my theory tonight. You're exhausted, for one; and you're right, it won't work if you're expecting it. I can assure you of a few details now. You have leave to stop the experiment at any time. I will not be angry or disappointed if you choose to do this. I want you to have absolute trust in me, and I promise to stay within the parameters of the dream details you've given me. As for the others, I give you my word that I won't haul you over my knees if we're not alone in the building. I have a great deal more work to do before we put this to the test. Now, may I have your answer, one way or the other?"


It was as though a lightning bolt had hit your core.


Someone had finally said the words out loud.....towards you.

You bite back the groan that desperately wants to escape your throat and take a very slow, deep breath in.

This long standing desire had plagued you for most of your life. The frustrating thing about it was that you realized you could only share this with someone you knew and trusted. You had heard about "clubs" and "parties" where complete strangers were willing to take you over their knee in a room filled with people. It just didn't feel right. It certainly didn't feel safe. But here....now....with him....

You looked Egon Spengler up and down. You thought your hesitation would rear its ugly head again, but not this time.

"Do it!" your body screamed.

"Do it!" your mind screamed.

"Yes," you say softly. "I'm okay with all of it."

Egon's eyebrows shot up in genuine surprise. Even with the 79% odds, he honestly did not believe you'd agree so readily. He gathered his wits about him and straightened his tie.

"Good, very, very good. Now, I want you to go home and get some sleep. Don't worry about work tomorrow. I have other work I need to finish before we start anything."

"Then when will we..." you began, but in two strides he was standing immediately in front of you, his large hand heavy on your shoulder. You had to crane your neck to see his face. It was set in a steely expression that took your breath away. 

"Y/N, if this is going to work, then I cannot allow you to ask any more questions about the test. I'm taking charge of the experiment from this point forward. Do you understand?"

Your knees nearly buckled at his tone, his commanding presence that was so unlike his usual disposition. You wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight, no matter what he said.  You nodded your head. Egon pursed his lips in disapproval.

"Words, please."

And then you said it...a phrase you had only uttered to the man in your dreams.

"Yes, sir."


Unbeknownst to you, the experiment had already begun. 

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