Season 3

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Start 2/2/23

3x1 Magnificent Seven
Opening to neighborhood with a mam taking the trash out, Shaking trash cans flickering lights lighting and thunder in a smoke cloud, Demons flying everywhere one possesses the man, Demons flying out to possess a whole city, new intro, Sam's studying demons and Dean is doing stuff, Bobby is here, Dean's very happy, Outside Lincoln Nebraska ooh, They at some house, Oh they found three decomposing people, Oh some married hunters, "This ain't Scooby-Doo", Oh some blonde women watching them, Dude convincing a women to kill another for shoes dang, blonde women following Sam, The demon forces the hunter to drink drain stuff, They crashed a car in the bar, The seven deadly sins demons, Oh shit Dean's making out with Lust, Oh shit boy king Sam, Dean threw her face first in a tub of holy water, The blonde killed the demons, Dean is giving up

3x2 The kids are alright
A girl is back early from her dad's for some reason she thinks there's monsters at his house his saw is turning on it kills him, Sam be weird to not tell Dean, Oh Lisa huh Dean, She's very shocked Dean is there, Lisa has son named Ben I really think he's Dean's son, He looks a lot like Dean, , Blonde girl again talking to Sam, She loves fries, Something is wrong with the girl she looked odd in the mirror, "Girl" trying to get to her mom, Dean gave his son tips to beat up bullies, Dean you in trouble, Ben hugged Dean aww, Creepy kids, Creepy ass thing in the mirror, Changelings lovely, Oh weird, A changeling is pretending to be Ben, Dean found and saved real Ben and the real kids, Sam tried to torch one, Burned em all, Lisa hugged Dean, Lisa you can't do a DNA test without the dad Ben is Dean's son for sure, Oh Lisa kissed Dean aw, Sam is looking for something on Campbell's and their friends, The girl is a demon

3x3 Bad day at black rock
Opening at a prison, Oh shit it's that bitch Gordon, Sam and Dean driving talking about the demon whose name is Ruby, John had storage place, Damn hunters believing anything Gordon says, Very interesting, Whole landmines, Oh one box is missing, A lucky rabbit foot hmm, Oh shit damn fighting, Lucky foot heh, They won 1,200$, They got a whole prize for being the 1 millionth guest at a restaurant, Ballons confetti, Sam spilled coffee and knocked into a waiter the woken stole there foot, I hate Bela ah lord, Sam slipped real hard on the ground, Sam lost his shoe, Sam's gotta stay at the motel, Sam be have bad luck, I hate Bela so much holy shit, Them hunters tapped Sam up, Dumbass hunter, Dean be lucky with the rabbit foot, Bitch shot Sam, Bela is a bitch I hate her so much

3x4 Sin City
A nun is out in the evening putting out bibles, I really hate this guy died, Sam and Dean are at Bobby's, Dean seems to wear dark colors and Sam wears light colors, This town has become very bad bad things happening, Dean found a old friend named Richie, Sex, drinking, gambling all the sin shit, The father is there for some reason, Dude got a gun killed a man, Oh wow he ain't possessed, Weird ass place hmm that lady took Richie there, She was a demon and she killed Richie, Bobby practicing with the colt, Oh Ruby is there, She wants to help Bobby with the colt, Sam Oh wow, She control the air oh and trapped Dean underground, Lucifer mention, This demon likes Dean, Priest was a demon wow, Oh Bobby was there, Oh Ruby, I honestly liked that demon, Sam is talking to Ruby wants to kill her

3x5 bedtime stories
Guys all walking a whole wolf killed him like the fairytale, Sam and Dean are arguing about what to do about Dean's deal, There seems to be a frog, Couple lost and found a nice house old lady killed em and girl standing outside the window, Reenactment of fairytales by sprint, Cinderella reenactment nonsense, Stepmother things ah, Snow white ugh, Oh wolf and a dad reading these to his little girl, Guy stole girl in red, Dean saved the girl, The girl stopped at least, Dean is sleeping Sam is going somewhere, Going to a crossroads to summon that demon, He's gonna shoot her, She can't end the deal because of her boss, He still killed her

3x6 Red Sky Morning
Lady out running seeing a old boat in the water and it disappeared like that, She's showering someone is in the bathroom, They kill her, Sam and Dean are talking about the colt and that Sam killed the demon, Old lady flirting with Sam wow, The bitch stole Baby, I wish Dean would shoot Bela, Guy got choked from his tub, I hate her so much, Weird creepy guy choking guy, He dead, Oh its her ugh, Sam and Dean have dress up bootie suit, Dean is hot, "Don't objectify me", Sam's date is the old lady, Sam is hot, Bela fainting hmm, Bela always stealing their stuff, At a graveyard, Oh its raining, Went through eachother like water ooh, Dean wow

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