Chapter Seven

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Pan grabbed my hand and swam towards where we entered the lake.
"Sorry you didn't see any more mermaids, but I think it would be best for us to go back to the camps now." He said gruffly, and I didn't want to question him. After all, he just told me his life story.
We swam towards the surface, where we both took in a deep breath, happy to be back on land. Pan shook his hair mostly dry and wiped his face with his hands. He looked at me and smirked, and I couldn't help but think how hot he looked in the moonlight. His shirt was wet, which defined his lean, muscular body.
I stared back at him stunned before looking down at myself. I had taken my corset off before we went swimming, and my white shirt was now see through. Pan's emerald eyes slowly traced my body until his eyes came up to look at my shirt.
"Damn, Chloe. Didn't know you had that much in you," He said before laughing. I blushed and hit him on the shoulder. Embarrassing.
"Shut up, and let's get back to camp." I playfully rolled my eyes and grabbed my corset. I slid the tight thing on before I realized that I couldn't tie it from the back. The way I had done it before was by tying one end to the closet and pulling, but clearly, I didn't have that anymore.
Sheepishly, I asked Pan. "Hey, do you mind tying this for me?"
He raised his eyebrow but said nothing before sighing and coming closer to me. He grabbed the string of the corset and started to make the loop of a knot. While I was waiting, I felt his hot breath on my neck as he was bending his neck to see the corset. I flushed again but patiently waited for him to hurry up.
"Done," He announced triumphantly before standing to his true height and grinning at his work.
I inspected his job. It was sturdy, and my corset was definitely not coming off for a long time. "Thanks," I said hurriedly.
He nodded and held out his hand. "To Neverland?"
I smiled. "To Neverland."
I grabbed his palm and we sailed up into the sky once again, a trail of sparkly pixie dust trailing behind us in fluttery trails.
"When we get back, I'll show you true Neverland food!" Pan shouted at me, the apples of his cheeks lifting up.
"Sounds lovely!"


Pan and I headed towards the Neverland mess hall. When we got there, I waited behind in the line, while Pan got to skip. He noticed I wasn't behind him, and looked for me. He motioned for me to skip the line, and even though I was a little confused, I did. As soon as I got to the front of the line, Pan proudly showed me the dinner menu.
"Today on le menu," He said in a terrible french accent, wiggling his fake long mustache. "Le poisson avec les champignons, et le poulet avec les petit pois. Which would you like, madame?"
I giggled at his terrible impression. "Could I have the first option, monsieur?"
He raised his eyebrow. "Of course, mon cherie! One order of the poisson, s'il te plait!"
We both got our food and Pan motioned for me to come and listen to the Lost Boys telling stories. Apparently, they did that every day. One boy was telling us about his abusive parents, while another was saying how he caught a great squirrel in his trap. They actually weren't that bad of a company, once you got comfortable with them, of course.
I had finished up my meal and was tidying myself up when Pan approached me once again.
"Do you remember the way to our cabin?" He asked me.
I shrugged. "Roughly, but I'll probably need someone to help me get there."
He nodded and started to head off north. "Follow me."
I did, and we walked in silence as I trailed after him like a little duck.
As we climbed over the tree roots and leaves on the forest ground, we said nothing.
Eventually, we reached the hut that I had seen before, the one with the special details.
Pam opened the door and let me in. I saw that my bed had been made by someone, and some of my personal belongings, like my hair brush and my pajamas, were already on my bedside table. How did that get there?
"If you need to change into your sleeping wear, I'll close my eyes." He informed me, turning around.
I thanked him, and took off my corset and boots. While I was unbuttoning my white top, I realized the string had latched itself on one of the buttons and it was stuck. Considering it was at the back of my shirt, I had a hard time reaching it. I turned pale, knowing what I had to do.
"Pan,do you mind helping me with my buttons? I think one of them is stuck." I muffled, looking at him as he turned around.
"You need help with unbuttoning your blouse?" I nodded shamefully.
"Of course," He smirked and came closer to me to help. His nimble hands went over the button as he carefully entangled the string. Funny how we were in this position again.
He got it loose, and help me unbutton the shirt. Since it was a loose flowy shirt, it slipped right off as I faced him again, revealing my black bra. I gasped and quickly turned back around, but not fast enough for him to not see.
He raised his eyebrows and whistled. "Damn, Chloe. Can I unbutton more of your clothes just to see that?"
I glared at him before quickly tossing on my oversized tee shirt. "Turn back around," I instructed him with enough willpower that he did. While he wasn't looking, I took off the miniskirt and put on the pajama shorts from home. It was the only thing I had missed.
"Can I see now?" He asked.
"Yes." I rolled my eyes as he turned around as fast as he could.
"Dang it," He pouted and I shook my head, laughing.
I yawned, putting my hand to my mouth. "I'm pretty tired, I think I'll go to bed."
He nodded. "Sounds good, I'll go to bed after you. Turn the lights off."
I flipped the switch and crawled into the bearskin bed. It wasn't that uncomfortable, surprisingly. More comfortable than home.
I rested my head on the pillow and tried to clear my mind of all the exciting things that happened today.
Before I knew it, I was off in sleep.


I woke up in a fright. I had a nightmare of my mother and Paul. Paul had been chasing me again and my mother was screaming my name as if she was possessed. Terrifying.
My breathing was coming in short, and I put a hand on my chest to slow down my heartbeat.
My hand ran through my hair as I tried to calm down.
I laid back down on the bed, and tried to think about something else, but the dream kept haunting me. I looked down at my arms. I was trembling. And I didn't want to be alone.
I walked over to Pan and poked him. His eyes fluttered open and he groaned.
"What the hell? Chloe, it's late at night."
"I know, but I'm scared." My voice trembled and my lip quivered. God, how pathetic I sounded. "Can I sleep with you?"
He must've seen the fear in my eyes, because he rolled his eyes and sighed before opening the covers of his bedsheets. "Come here."
I smiled at him before sliding under the covers myself, squirming next to him. I closed my eyes again, feeling much more comfy and secure.
He lazily put one of his arms around me, and I looked at Pan. He was already sleeping.
I couldn't stop thinking about how his long lashes fluttered in his sleep, and how his dark eyebrows scrunched together when he had a bad thought. He smelled like wood and fresh burned vanilla and his tee shirt was soft. Very soft. God, this boy was going to end me.
As I lay there in Pan's arm, I felt myself slowly drift back into sleep, letting myself relax in the bed and listen to the crickets chirping while the moonlight was shining over me.

Authors note: haha sorry everyone that it's a little cringe:pp i found myself also cringing :/ get ready for some jealousy too! someone important is coming? who is it::))) also i just got back into my peter pan phase so it's going to get better from here! okay lovelies, it's 11 at night so i'm going to bed😴 gnn everyone!

ps: pls don't get offended by the french! it's just a joke😭 i apologize if you think it's mocking, but that's not my intention at all!!

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