~ Cute Guy PT.2 ~

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This shouldn't have anything that's triggering, if it does I am sorry

Grian's POV

I had fallen asleep in a matter of seconds after plopping on my bed. I had a weird dream but that's not what this is about. (Comment if you want me to elaborate on the dream) I woke up to the sun in my eyes, like every other morning. Except this time scar was next too me, he laid peacefully with small snores escaping his mouth. 'He's so cute' I thought to myself as I stared at his face, a light pinky red spreading across my own. In my sleepy and delusional mind I decided that it would be a good idea to cuddle up to him. My wings were slightly in the way but I managed to get to him. My wings wrapped around us like a warm blanket. As I continued to snuggle into Scar, he brought me slightly closer and hugged around my waist. My face got redder.

Scar's POV

I woke up to soft things in my face, as I opened my eyes, I saw bright colored wings. I could also feel something warm next to me. As I looked to see what it was I immediately 'awed' at the sight of Grian cuddling up to me. He was so cute! I knew that I should probably go back to building my base but if I woke the precious bean I would feel horrible. So, instead of being productive I ended up staying there for another 2 hours. He eventually woke up and grumbled, obviously not wanting to leave. "Uhm, Grian?" His eyes widened as he realized that he was cuddling with me and heavily blushed. His wings fluffed up as he got flustered. After calming down, I told him I that I had his suit. He looked at me confused and a I responded with "The cute guy suit?" He looked at me with a face of realization. "Oh yeah!" He exclaimed with excitement. "It's at my base though." He nodded and started to get up so we could head out.

Time skip

Once we got there we headed into my main base. I started searching for the suit in my chests, I looked everywhere I could think of! "Do you need help?" I heard Grian ask from behind me. "Yes please" I said reluctantly, embarrassed I couldn't find it. Grian started to head into my room and I panicked.

Grian's POV

I headed to Scar's room because knowing him it's in there. As I went to open the door Scar blocked the door, his face was red for some reason. "U-uhm, how about we go check somewhere else? It is super messy in there and I-I don't want you getting hurt!" He said frantically. "I'll be careful, plus there is no way it's as messy as my base!" I pushed him aside and reached for the door handle. He started to panic and tried stopping me from entering but I was already in. As soon as I looked inside I saw what he was trying to hide. My face went red and I was speechless.

Scar's POV

Fuck! I thought to myself as Grian stared into my room. His face was red, "I'm, uh, I don't know what to s-say." I started to get nervous and my face started to color to a bright red. I guess he was also speechless since he didn't mutter a word.

Grian's POV

I stared into the room looking at different pictures of me pinned to a board. They had hearts on them and the other people in the photos were crossed out. I slowly walked inside to get a proper look at the photos.

To be continued...

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