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"You want to WHAT?" I asked loudly, rising from my resting place. My headband fell out of my hair, but Angelina grabbed it and flung it at me in s childlike matter. I grabbed it and stared into her amber eyes.

"Please tell me I'm dreaming," I said, putting my hand on my forehead. I walked around Angelina, squinting. I was about ready to faint.

"Oh shut up," she said, rolling her eyes. "Calm yourself down. All I said was I wanted to rob a bank: not I'm going to lull myself and you with a gun."

"I'm not going to calm down!" I said, " I'm not going to be okay! Why would you even think of ever doing that? You can't be serious."

She looked at me guiltily. "Can you?" I questioned.

"I can. And I am serious. I want to be unstoppable." She threw her hands into the air when she said this, like she owned the world and the sky was her workshop. Her face was as bright as the sun, in fast thoughts.

"You won't be unstoppable behind bars if your caught," I said, "and I'm not wasting all of your talents to be persecuted in a cell for 50 years."

"YOURE not going to be wasting all of my TALENTS?" Angelina said giggling, "you don't OWN me. I'm not a DOG. I can waste my talents on my own if u want to!" She looked angry now.

She did something I did not expect.

She picked up the glass bottle and threw it on the cement.

My mouth formed a large "o" as I watched our glass bottle hit the cement and burst into millions of small glass pieces, scattering throughout the factory steps, and far into the streets.

"I cannot believe you just did that." I said quietly, tears forming in my eyes.

To me, they bottle was priceless. It took a month to save up for this 6 dollar bottle. We achieved about 25¢ a day, the amount varying on our work effort.

I had felt rage build up in my toes, creeping up towards my spine, and my head. I was filled with disgust and anger, and I felt smoke coming out of my ears.

"ANGELINA." I whisper-yelled. She smiled at me, but was a sad smile.

"I will rob the bank myself."

She said.

"And you cannot stop me."

"I thought we were friends," I said, agony screaming in my veins. I picked up a shard of glass and slid it into my overall pocket.

"We were." Angelina said, twirling her dark brown hair around her index finger in thought. " but there are people in life who must move up. Rise higher. Become mightier. And I will remember you, I promise, when I'm rich and powerful. You will be the FIRST to become my personal servant. Adios. Farewell. Goodbye."

She turned around, and strode away into the busy streets.

I glanced at the glass bottle pieces that remained near by.

The glass pieces made another memory surgically stabbed into my soul.

My heart felt as broken as the glass bottle.

Torn into thousands of pieces.

That were never to be replaced.


• Don't Forget Me When I'm Gone • By: Booksbyev •Where stories live. Discover now